Graduate School Course Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Mathematics and Physics
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Dr. Fredrick Johnson, Interim Chair
Room 3242 Mary M. Townes Science Building
Phone: (919) 530-6468
Dr. Benjamin Crowe, Physics Graduate Program Director
Room 2214 Mary M. Townes Science Complex
Telephone: (919) 530-5103
Dr. Alade Tokuta, Mathematics Graduate Program Director
Room 3244 Mary M. Townes Science Building
Telephone: (919) 530-5108
The Department of Mathematics and Physics has Graduate Programs in Mathematics and Physics leading to the Master of Science degrees.
The goal of the M.S. program in Physics is to provide innovative and high quality education and training opportunities to students interested in continuing their education beyond the undergraduate level. The programs aim at providing a strong foundation for further study at the Ph. D. level in Mathematics, Physics or related fields, for acquiring positions in industry, and for teaching at secondary and post-secondary institutions. Mathematics offers concentrations in pure and applied mathematics with a special emphasis in Computing Science and Statistics. Physics has an active research program with modern on-campus experimental facilities, and with access to regional and national research facilities including the nuclear and free electron laser labs located on the nearby Duke University campus. The program strives to extend its research capabilities with strong student participation through significant and valuable contributions to science and technology.
Research Specialization (Major)
The Department of Mathematics and Physics offers research opportunities with specializations in Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Science, Statistics, Nuclear Physics, Solid State Physics, Theoretical Physics, Computational Physics, Nanotechnology, and Spectroscopy. Theoretical and experimental research activities are available in most areas. A student may select one of the areas of specialization for research towards fulfillment of the requirement of a thesis or non-thesis research project.
Research subfields include:
- Lie and representation theory
- Cryptography, Cyber security, Cyber physical systems
- Algorithm design and analysis, scheduling and resource allocation
- Computer graphics, Computer vision, Pattern recognition, Image processing
- Control theory, Robotics
- Nonlinear optimization, Numerical partial differential equations
- Wireless networking, Multimedia networking
- Big data, Data integration, Biological network analysis
- Experimental low-energy nuclear physics
- Experimental intermediate-energy nuclear physics
- Experimental Neutrino physics
- Experimental studies of X-ray pumped nuclear isomer states
- Theoretical high/low-energy nuclear physics
- Nanotechnology/nanoscale materials - theoretical studies of the optoelectronic and sensory properties
- Semiconductors - material formation and characterization, optoelectronics (experiment & theory)
- Renewable energy - photovoltaic solar cells (experiment & theory)
- Gigahertz to terahertz radiation (experiment)
Regional collaborative projects include:
North Carolina State University
- Physics Department: Optoelectronics and photonics, low dimensional nanostructures
- Department of Materials Science and Engineering: Advanced materials design for renewable energy applications
Duke University, North Carolina
- Triangle Universities Nuclear Laboratory: Experimental low-energy nuclear physics
- Physics Department: Neutrino physics, Nanotechnology
- Chemistry Department: Nanoscale materials
- Free Electron Laser Laboratory: Materials research
- Fitzpatrick Institute for Photonics: Metamaterials, Nanophotonics
Jefferson National Accelerator Facility, Virginia
- Hyper-nucleon physics research
- Nuclear and nucleon structures and strong interactions
- Polarimeter for linearly polarized protons
National Institute of Science and Technology, Maryland
- Fundamental neutron physics experimental collaboration with Neutron Interactions and Radiation group
Active national and international collaborations exists between department faculty and scientists at Cornell University, State University of new York (Albany), University of South Florida, Ohio University (Athens), Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Tennessee, NASA - Glenn research laboratory in Ohio, National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Colorado, research centers in Japan, Korea, Russia, Croatia, and Western Europe.
Mathematics and Physics Graduate Faculty
Ahmed, Mohammad (Associate Professor)
M.S., University of Houston
Ph.D., University of Houston
Bondarev, Igor (Professor)
M.S., Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
Ph.D., Belarusian State University, Minsk, Belarus
D.Sc. (Habilitation Degree), National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus
Crowe, Benjamin J. (Associate Professor)
B.S., Lincoln University, Lincoln University Pennsylvania
M.S., Purdue University, West Lafayette Indiana
Ph.D., Purdue University, West Lafayette Indiana
Filikhin, Igor (Research Professor)
Ph.D., St.-Peterburg State University, Russian Federation
Hardy, Leon B. (Associate Professor)
B.A., M.S., Texas Southern University
M.A., Ph. D., Michigan State University
Jackson, Caesar, (Professor)
B.S., Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University
M.S., University of Florida
Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Johnson, Garrett (Assistant Professor)
Ph.D. Mathematics, University of California at Santa Barbara, 2010
M.A. Mathematics, University of California, Santa Barbara, 2006
B.S. Mathematics and B.A. German, University of Texas at Austin, 2003
Johnson, Fredrick, (Assistant Professor)
B.S., University of North Carolina at Wilmington
M.S., Ph.D., North Carolina State University
Kim, Donhyun (Assistant Professor)
B.S., M.S., Hanyang University
Ph.D., University of Texas
Kwon, Sung-sik (Associate Professor)
B.S., Ramapo College
Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Chapel-Hill
Markoff, Dianne (Professor)
B.S., University of California at Berkeley
M.S., University of California at Berkeley
Ph.D., University of California at Berkeley
Matinyan, Sergey (Adjunct Professor)
M.S., Tbilisi State University, Georgia
Ph.D. Tbilisi State University
D.Sc. (Habilitation Degree), TBILISI State University
Melikyan, Hayk (Professor)
M.S., Armenian State Pedagogic University, Yerevan
Ph.D., V. Steklov Institute of Mathematics,
Milledge, Gaolin Z. (Associate Professor)
B.E., Huazhong University of Science & Technology
M.S., Institute of Hydrobiology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Ph.D., Florida International University
Suslov, Vladimir (Adjunct Professor)
M.S., Leningrad State University (USSR)
Ph.D., St.-Petersburg State University, Russian Federation
Tang, Tongan (Assistant Professor)
M.S., Hangzhou University
Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Tokuta, Alade O. (Professor)
B.S.E.E., M.S.E.E., Duke University
E.E., Columbia University
Ph.D., University of Florida
Uma, Ravanasamundran N. (Professor)
B.Sc., University of Madras
M.E. Indian Institute of Technology
Ph.D., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn
Vlahovic, Branislav (Professor)
M.S., University of Zagreb, Croatia
Ph.D., University of Zagreb, Croatia
Weems, Kimberly S (Associate Professor)
B.S., Spelman College, Atlanta, Georgia,
M.A., University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Ph.D., University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Wu, Marvin (Associate Professor)
B.S., Brown University, Providence Rhode Island
Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
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