Sep 27, 2024  
Graduate School Course Catalog 2023-2024 
Graduate School Course Catalog 2023-2024 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

School of Business

Anthony C. Nelson, Ph.D.
C.T. Willis Commerce Building, Room 221
Department Telephone: (919) 530-6458
Sharon D. White, Ph.D.
Associate Dean
C.T. Willis Commerce Building, Room 236
Telephone: (919) 530-6133
LaChelle Wilborn, Ph.D.
MBA Advisor
Edmonds Classroom Building, Room 309C
Telephone: (919) 530-6405
Ms. Cheryl Moore
MBA Program Recruitment, Director
C.T. Willis Commerce Building, Room 216
Telephone: (919) 530-7380



The School of Business offers programs leading to the Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree, the Online MBA degree with concentrations, the Dual Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration (JD/MBA) degree, and the Dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Science (MBA/MIS) degree.

The Master of Business Administration program is designed to prepare students for leadership positions in business, industry, and government by developing their understanding of complex strategies, tactics and their execution.  Opportunities exist for career specializations, as well as breadth of core business disciplines. Classes are structured to enrich critical thinking and decision-making skills through opportunities to practice problem definition, analysis, and implementation.  Students with any undergraduate major can be successful in the MBA curriculum; however, to properly prepare for MBA core classes, students are required to either possess or complete a group of foundation business courses.

The graduate program in the School of Business is fully accredited by AACSB International - The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.



To be a first-choice HBCU business school that delivers academic excellence, inclusivity, a global perspective, learner transformation, and impactful engagement.




North Carolina Central University School of Business offers high quality undergraduate and graduate business education programs through teaching and applied research focused on transforming our diverse learners into skilled leaders who can positively impact lives and communities, and promote an inclusive global society.




To provide high-quality business education that engages, empowers, and enriches the lives of learners, equipping them to become leaders who advance positive societal impact in their communities, the region, and the world.



We support the following shared values in our pursuit of excellence and continuous improvement:

Collaboration: We embrace collegiality and respect the views of our stakeholders in implementing our strategic initiatives.


Excellence: We strive to deliver best-in-class practices in academics, administration, and relationships with industry and society.


Inclusivity: We promote a culture of shared governance, diversity, and civic engagement.


Innovation: We implement best practices in achieving learner success, relevant research contributions, and impactful service.


Integrity: We act responsibly, honor our commitments, and accept accountability for our mission.

Sustainability: We recognize the impact of our strategic initiatives on improving society. 




The dual degree programs allow students to simultaneously pursue a degree in Law or a degree in Information Sciences while enrolled in the MBA program.  Both dual degree programs allow students to earn two degrees in less time than it takes to earn each degree individually.

The dual Juris Doctor/Master of Business Administration degree program can be completed in four calendar years. The degree of Juris Doctor (JD) is granted by the School of Law upon successful completion of a minimum of 88 semester hours of required and elective courses.  The degree of Master of Business Administration (MBA) is granted by the School of Business. The dual JD/MBA graduate will complete 24 hours of MBA courses, excluding any foundation requirements.

The dual Master of Business Administration/Master of Information Science degree program can be completed in two calendar years.  The School of Business and the School of Library and Information Sciences grant Master of Business Administration (MBA) and Master of Information Sciences (MIS) degrees, respectively. The dual MBA/MIS graduate will complete 24 hours of MBA courses, excluding any foundation requirements.

Students enrolled in the dual JD/MBA and MBA/MIS programs must complete the requirements of each program simultaneously in order to receive both degrees. If a student does not meet the dual degree requirements, the student will not receive the benefit of the reciprocal credits and will have to meet each degree program requirements separately. Additionally, the GPA for the dual programs must be met separately and cannot be combined; individual GPAs must be attained for each program.  A cumulative grade-point-average of at least 3.0 in the MBA courses is required to complete the graduation requirements of the MBA degree with no more than one grade of C. 



The Online MBA offers a state-of-the-art master’s degree program from the comforts of home, giving students access to a rigorous, AACSB-accredited curriculum designed to prepare global leaders for immediate contribution. This program allows learners to specialize in the following six concentration areas: Data Analytics, Marketing, Hospitality and Tourism, Real Estate, Wealth Management or Cyber Security. Students are able to move through the program at their own pace, but the program should last between 18-24 months. This program is specifically designed for applicants with at least 5 years of work experience.  Students in the online MBA program are required to complete the general management core courses (24 hours), 9-12 hours in their area of concentration, and the MBA capstone course.


The School of Business restricts its graduate-level business administration and management courses to degree-seeking students.  Students admitted to other graduate-level degree programs may enroll in School of Business graduate-level courses by permission of the instructor. Special Graduate Students must apply through the School of Graduate Studies and may register for no more than 9 credit hours of graduate courses before being admitted to a graduate program. 


A maximum of six (6) semester hours may be transferred from another graduate business program, subject to the following restrictions: 

  1. The course(s) was (were) completed at a regionally accredited institution. 
  2. The course(s) was (were) at the graduate level.
  3. A minimum grade of “B” was received in the course. 
  4. The content of the course corresponds to that of a course required or permitted in the MBA program at North Carolina Central University.

Once enrolled in the School of Business, a student may not pursue courses of any type at another institution for transfer credit toward a degree from the School of Business without approval from the MBA Director.


Following admission as a degree-seeking student in the graduate program, students are generally required to register each semester, exclusive of the summer sessions, until the degree is awarded.  Students not maintaining their admitted status will be required to seek readmission and adhere to prevailing program requirements if readmission is granted.



I. Admission Requirements

Admission to the MBA Program is based on a qualitative and quantitative assessment of those factors deemed relevant for successful graduate study.  The following factors are considered in the admission decision:

  1. Scores from the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) or the Graduate Record Examination (GRE). For students applying for the JD/MBA program, the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) may be used for the admissions examination.  All MBA applicants must have the results of their GMAT, GRE or LSAT submitted directly to the School of Graduate Studies. Applicants who are members of Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) - the international business honor society for AACSB-accredited schools - are not required to take a graduate-level entrance exam.
  2. Prior academic record (official transcript) from a regionally accredited university.
  3. Employment history (applicant’s resume).
  4. Two letters of recommendations from instructors, employers, or others who know the applicant well. 
  5. A personal interview is recommended.
  6. Applicants for the MBA Program who lack the foundation courses in their undergraduate degree must complete the required foundation courses before they can be fully admitted to the MBA program. 


Foundation Courses

The foundation courses consist of twelve (12) hours of graduate-level courses - four, 3 credit hour courses.  The foundation courses should be completed with a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0.  Some or all of the foundation courses may be waived for students with prior appropriate course work.  The following comprise the foundation courses:



II. Program Requirements

Traditional MBA Degree (33 hours)


Program Requirements

Students in the Traditional MBA program are required to complete the general management core courses (24 hours), two electives (6 hours), and the MBA capstone course (3 hours).


Core Courses - 24 hours

The graduate management core courses, the heart of the MBA program, focus on organizational decision making, behavioral factors impacting decision making, and the environment in which the organization functions.  The graduate management core is composed of the following courses: 

Electives - 6 hours

In addition to the graduate management courses show above, students in the traditional MBA program must complete two electives. Electives can be chosen from any of the concentration courses.


MBA Capstone - 3 hours

All MBA students must complete the capstone course.


Online MBA Program (36-39 hours)

The Online MBA offers a state-of-the-art master’s degree program from the comforts of your home with access to a rigorous, AACSB accredited, curriculum designed to prepare global leaders for immediate contribution. This program allows you to specialize in your study by concentrating in one of the following areas: Data Analytics, Hospitality Management, Marketing, Real Estate, Wealth Management or Cybersecurity.

Program Requirements

Students in the Online MBA program are required to complete the general management core courses (24 hours), the MBA capstone course (3 hours), and concentration electives (9-12 hours).


Core Courses - 24 hours



MBA Capstone - 3 hours

All MBA students must complete the capstone course.


Data Analytics Concentration (12 hours required)

The concentration in Data Analytics provides students with solid knowledge and training in data analysis and statistical computing. The concentration includes the courses shown below.


Hospitality Management Concentration (9 hours required)

The concentration in Hospitality Management offers courses specifically developed to support the advancement of hospitality and tourism management professionals. Along with a strong business management foundation, students who pursue this concentration will also receive relevant instruction related to contemporary topics in hospitality and tourism. Students should choose any three courses (9 hours) from the list below to complete the concentration requirements.


Marketing Concentration (9 hours required)

The concentration in Marketing gives students the toolbox and analytical skills to operate effectively in an increasingly dynamic marketplace. Students will be prepared for the immediate application of progressive techniques within marketing that utilizes new technology and digital capabilities while strengthening foundational marketing principles. Students should choose any three courses (9 hours) from the list below to complete the concentration requirements.


Wealth Management Concentration (12 hours required)

The concentration in Wealth Management is open to individuals from diverse backgrounds; the primary purpose is to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in the wealth management industry to address the significant underrepresentation of African American professionals and to decrease the racial wealth gap between African Americans and whites.  The racial and ethnic wealth gaps are large and persistent according to the 2016 Federal Reserve Board Survey of Consumer Finances Report. The real median net worth in an African-American household still lags far behind white households. The median household wealth gap between African-Americans and whites grows larger as education levels rise.  The Report also shows that African-American households are less likely to own assets, such as a house, business, retirement savings, and savings account, as compared to white households. Those who do own assets, own far fewer in each of those categories.  Along with wealth gaps, there are substantial knowledge gaps in basic financial education.  This program answers the growing call to address the wealth gap and improve the financial literacy skills in the African American community and among college students. This concentration is offered through an online or face-to-face delivery method.



Real Estate Concentration (12 hours required)

The concentration in Real Estate provides students the leverage to increase diversity and inclusion in the commercial real estate industry across the U.S. There is a compelling need for more minority professionals in the commercial real estate industry. This course will also educate MBA students enrolled in the Real Estate Concentration through coursework, internships, and mentorship; help MBA graduates secure professional positions in various sectors of the commercial real estate industry; and, create an affiliated Real Estate Center to enrich the concentration primarily through projects that increase minority economic development and wealth creation in Durham, NC and elsewhere.  This concentration is offered through an online or face-to-face delivery method.




Cybersecurity Concentration (12 hours required)


The concentration in Cybersecurity provides students the skills to make a positive impact on the security of data, information, and technologies which are critical to business performance. The cybersecurity program at NCCU is designated as a Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense (CAE-CD). This designation is a major competitive advantage in the information technology (IT) workforce. There are numerous benefits of this concentration including lucrative career opportunities with industry relevance in a world that is ever-changing. By pursuing a cybersecurity degree, students can contribute to the larger goal of protecting individuals, organizations, and critical infrastructure from cyber threats while positively impacting the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of digital assets, ultimately ensuring the safety and privacy of people’s information.

  • CSEC 5000 - Cybersecurity Technology and Management (3)
  • CSEC 5010 - Cybersecurity Ethical Hacking and Penetration Testing (3)
  • CSEC 5020 - Cybersecurity Law, Policy, and Risk Management (3)
  • CSEC 5030 - Cybersecurity Special Topics (3)





SAS Academic Specialization in Data Analytics

The SAS Academic Specialization in Data Analytics is composed of two courses (STQM 5420 and STQM 5900) that provide the basic foundations of data analytics and statistical computing, including an introduction to SAS programming, data manipulation, data summary and presentation, estimation and hypotheses testing, regression analysis, and model building and selection. The badge will be granted to students obtaining a cumulative GPA of 3.5 in the two courses.

The following skills will be obtained by completing the program: SAS programming, data preparation and manipulation, statistical computing, data summary and presentation, estimation and testing hypotheses, simple and multivariable regression, and model building and selection.



III. Exit Requirements

Completion of all required MBA courses with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher and with no more than one grade of C.

