Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • HADM 4900 - Hospitality and Tourism Internship (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000 , and 500 Hours of Hospitality and Tourism Industry Experience. This course provides the student with supervised managerial work experience in lodging, travel and tourism, food service, and/or recreation and entertainment. Participation in a monthly seminar, submission of biweekly case studies, internship reports and a portfolio are mandatory. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4910 - Menu Management and Design (3)

    Prerequisites:  HADM 3100 , HADM 3500 , or instructor’s approval. This course provides the principles essential to menu planning, catering, production, and service. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4920 - Managed Services (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 4600 , HADM 3750 , HADM 4910 , or instructor’s approvals. This course will provide a comprehensive understanding of on-site contract food service, menu layout/design and analysis, and menu adjustments in a food service marketing context. Students must pass certification in order to receive a grade in this course segment including the rationale for outsourcing and the need for entrepreneurship relevant to both the client-based organization and the managed-service provider. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HEDU 1531 - Health (2)

    An introductory study of personal health promotion and disease prevention with an emphasis on changing behaviors from those that threaten our health to those that will promote lifelong wellness.

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  • HEDU 1551 - Health & Physical Fitness ( Early College) (3)

    This course will emphasize concepts related to the development of fitness, and motor skill. Knowledge and directed practices will be used to improve fitness concepts and to develop motor skills and a comprehensive understanding of the dimensions of health. 

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  • HEDU 1600 - Peer Education and Advocacy (2)

    This course is designed to teach participants the basic concepts of peer education and advocacy.  Peer educators will learn to educate peers on specific steps to take in order to protect themselves from HIV and sexually transmitted infections, unwanted pregnancy, and negative consequences of alcohol and drug use, abuse and misuse.  Additionally, peer educators will learn how to effectively advocate for women and LGBT students in order to reduce the incidence of campus interpersonal violence and homophobia.  Students will explore the relationships between HIV/STI, substance use and interpersonal violence.

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  • HEDU 2000 - Introduction to Health Education (3)

    The basic philosophy, principles, and content of health education are discussed as background for suggested solutions to health problems. In addition, students are expected to learn the seven major roles and responsibilities of a health educator and gain an understanding of the practice of health education in a variety of work settings. (One lecture and two laboratory hours per week.)

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  • HEDU 2100 - Community Health (3)

    This course focuses on concepts of community health, factors influencing community health, and community resources for prevention and elimination of community health problems. Special emphasis is placed on citizens’ responsibilities and participation at the local, state, national, and international levels.

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  • HEDU 2200 - Health Behavior for Effective Living (3)

    A survey of essential knowledge and practices for personal and community health. Emphasis is placed on emotional well-being, positive health behavior, health risk factors, certain environmental health concerns, and certain organizational resources for public health. Expressed interests and needs of students will also be of vital concern.

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  • HEDU 2400 - Methods and Applications of Group Leadership for Health Personnel (3)

    This course focuses on the health professional’s role in working with community groups. Emphasis will be placed on developing skills such as interpersonal communication, diagnosing group difficulties, and intervening to increase the effectiveness of working groups.

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  • HEDU 3000 - Introduction to Technical Writing for Public Health (WI) (3)

    Prerequisites: ENG 1210 HEDU 3210 , and  HEDU 3400   or permission of the instructor This course is a study of the tools and techniques of technical writing with individualized assignments pertaining to public health.  Emphasis will be placed on writing job-seeking materials (e.g., resumes, cover letters, and personal statements) and professional documents (literature reviews, abstracts, and slide presentations).  In this class, students gain experience writing a variety of documents common to public health but also many other academic disciplines and careers.  Students receive practice using a handbook and other resources for writing models and advice to improve their professional writing.

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  • HEDU 3100 - Environmental Health (3)

    Prerequisites: BIOL 1300 , BIOL 1610 , BIOL 1620 , HEDU 2100  or permission of the instructor. This course is designed to provide a general knowledge of principles of environmental health science and their application in the management of certain risks in the environment. Attention is given to the role of community resources, including health education, in the promotion of environmental health.

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  • HEDU 3200 - Communicable and Chronic Health (3)

    Prerequisites: BIOL 1300  BIOL 1610  BIOL 1620  or Permission of instructor This course is designed to provide a concise overview of selected human diseases.  The course focuses on the concept of health and illness, knowledge of risk factors, etiology and pathogenesis of selected diseases, public health approaches and prevention strategies.

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  • HEDU 3220 - Introduction to Global Health (3)

    This course will provide an introduction to the critical issues currently facing global health, including trends in the distribution of disease and mortality, the determinants of global health outcomes, and cross-cutting issues such as culture, education, ethics, human rights and women’s health.  Student will develop entry level global health competencies and knowledge.  They will explore major global health concepts and compare it with health competencies and knowledge.  They will explore major global health concepts and compare it with health challenges inside and outside of the United States.  Emphasis will be placed on the most pressing concerns, paying particular attention to the health of developing countries and the health needs of poor and vulnerable populations in low resource communities.  Students will examine conditions between high wealth and low/moderate wealth countries which facilitate and hinder good health outcomes.

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  • HEDU 3300 - Human Sexuality (2)

    This course provides a broad overview of biological, social, and emotional dimensions of sexuality. It will examine sex roles of men and women in the United States with special emphasis on fostering understanding and tolerance of changing patterns, lifestyles, and attitudes.

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  • HEDU 3400 - Theory and Practice of Health Education (3)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 2000 , HEDU 2100 , HEDU 2200 , and co-requisite HEDU 3210  or permission of the instructor. The course is a study of theories often used in assessing the need for community health education programs and in planning, implementing, and evaluating those programs. Special attention will be given to the study of theories at the organizational and community levels. WI

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  • HEDU 3420 - Principles of School Health (3)

    Prerequisites: EDU 3000  and EDU 3010 , HEDU 3210 , and HEDU 3400  or permission of the instructor. This course provides an overview of the principles of a coordinated school health program, current health issues in the classroom, the National Health Education Standards, classroom diversity, and assessments (including performance-based assessment). Effective classroom activities used in teaching health will be included.

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  • HEDU 3720 - Introduction to Epidemiology & Biostatistics (3)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 2000 , HEDU 2100 , HEDU 2200 , HEDU 2400 , and MATH 1110  or with permission of the instructor. This course focuses on epidemiological principles and methods such as describing the patterns of illness in populations and research designs for investigating disease. Quantitative measures to determine risk and association are introduced. Within this context, concepts, basic principles, and tools of epidemiology and biostatistics are studied with an emphasis on application to health education programs. (Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week).

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  • HEDU 4000 - Communicating Health Information: Procedures, Media, and Techniques (3)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 2000 , HEDU 2100 , HEDU 2200 , HEDU 2400 , HEDU 3210 , HEDU 3720 HEDU 3400 , and HEDU 3600 . Corequisites: HEDU 4300 . This course focuses on a variety of approaches for communicating health information utilizing multiple channels of communication. Students will design, produce, and utilize educational media and materials to inform and influence individual and community decisions that enhance health. (Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week).

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  • HEDU 4110 - First Aid and Safety (3)

    This course is designed to develop an understanding of measures essential for the prevention of injury including the role of school safety education. Students are expected to develop skills in applying first aid procedures for victims of injury or sudden illness.

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  • HEDU 4113 - Methods and Materials in Health Education (3)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 3420 . This course provides opportunities for students to become proficient in their knowledge of content, instructional strategies, media and procedures for teaching health (K-12).

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  • HEDU 4200 - Aging and the Aged: Health Perspectives (2)

    The course describes characteristics of aging and the aging process. Its major focus is on health problems common to the elderly and measures that may be applied by the individual, families, and society for preventing, coping with, and solving these problems. Current practices in the provision of health care for the elderly are reviewed.

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  • HEDU 4213 - Directed Teaching of Health Education (6)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 4113  and a grade point average of 2.5 or better in the field in which licensure is sought. This course is a component of the Senior Semester in Teacher Education. The Directed Teaching component of the Senior Semester is intended to provide opportunities for the student to do teaching under supervision.

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  • HEDU 4220 - The Senior Seminar: Trends and Directions in Health Education (3)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 4000  , HEDU 4120  ,HEDU 4000  ,HEDU 4660  . The senior seminar will consider emerging issues in public health, providing students with opportunities to review, apply, integrate, and synthesize the roles and responsibilities of an entry-level health educator. Students will also practice strategies and skills needed to obtain and maintain employment in public health education.

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  • HEDU 4300 - Research Methods and Evaluation in Health Education (3)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 2000 , HEDU 2100 , HEDU 2200 , HEDU 2400 , HEDU 3210 , HEDU 3720 , HEDU 3400 , HEDU 3600 . Corequisites: HEDU 4000 . This is an introduction to basic research methods and methods of evaluating health promotion programs. Students will examine, compare, and contrast qualitative and quantitative approaches to field research and data collection strategies. The course will prepare students for developing and delivering oral and poster presentations.

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  • HEDU 4310 - Women’s Health (3)

    This course will address topics across four dimensions of women’s health: Foundations in Women’s Health, Sexual and Reproductive Dimensions of Women’s Health, Physical and Lifespan Dimensions of Women’s Health, and Interpersonal and Social Dimensions of Women’s Health. The course places special emphasis on integrating knowledge beyond the classroom to the larger community, nation, and world.

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  • HEDU 4420 - Internship and Seminar in Community Health Education (6)

    Prerequisites: Completion of all courses required for the major, general education, and cognate courses with a GPA of 2.5 in health education courses. The student spends the first part of the semester in a pre-internship seminar. The second part is spent full-time as an intern in a community health agency where opportunities are provided for observing and performing a variety of community health education functions under the supervision of a professional public health educator. A student in the internship may not be employed during this eight-week period or take any other courses.

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  • HEDU 4500 - Independent Study: Internship Pre-Planning (2)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 2000 , HEDU 2100 , HEDU 2200 , or permission of the instructor. This course permits the student to pursue an area of interest in collaboration with a faculty member. The student must demonstrate the capacity to work independently and with limited direction. A final project that meets predetermined learning objectives is required.

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  • HEDU 4660 - Public Health Policy: Assessment and Advocacy (3)

    Prerequisites: HEDU 2000 , HEDU 2100 , HEDU 2200 , HEDU 2400 , HEDU 3100 , HEDU 3230 , HEDU 3210 , HEDU 3720 , HEDU 3400 , HEDU 3420 , HEDU 3600 , and HEDU 3720  or permission of the instructor. This course will address a major health issue in the U.S. (e.g., tobacco, obesity, HIV/AIDS) from a public health and public policy perspective. Students will consider policy assessment, policy analysis, and policy advocacy as tools for examining and addressing the issue. Students will engage in experiential learning activities such as assessing or analyzing health policies, planning or conducting a policy advocacy campaign, or implementing or evaluating a recently adopted health policy.

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  • HEDU 4700 - Current Issues in Public Health (2)

    Each semester, this course will address a current public health problem of national and/or international significance (e.g., HIV/AIDS, health disparities, pandemic flu, obesity) from a multi-disciplinary perspective. The goals of the course are to foster an understanding of the complexity and multi-dimensionality of emerging public health phenomena and to explore those phenomena as paradigms for the relationship among health problems, society, and public responses to those problems. Faculty in the Department of Public Health Education will assume the major responsibilities for teaching the course. However, practitioners from other disciplines in both the public and nonprofit sectors will be invited as guest speakers.

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  • HIST 1320 - World Societies (3)

    A thematic and interdisciplinary study of global, historical, and cultural developments in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and Europe from 1450 to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the dynamics of the evolution of modern society by emphasizing religious, intellectual, economic, and political aspects of life and history.

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  • HIST 1530 - The Black Experience to 1865 (3)

    An examination of the roles played by people of African descent in the Americas to 1865. Special emphasis on people of African descent in the social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments in the Americas during this period.

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  • HIST 1540 - The Black Experience Since 1865 (3)

    An examination of the roles played by people of African descent in the United States since 1865. Special emphasis on people of African descent in the social, religious, economic, cultural, and intellectual developments in the United States from 1865 to the present.

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  • HIST 2000 - Historical Writing and Literature (3)

    An introduction to historical methods, theories, and bibliographies for undergraduate majors and minors in history and social science.

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  • HIST 2080 - Problems in the History of Women to 1750 (3)

    An examination of selected problems in the history of women to 1750. Special attention will be given to changing historical interpretations of race, class, and gender in analyzing women’s experiences.

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  • HIST 2081 - Problems in the History of Women Since 1750 (3)

    An examination of selected problems in the history of women since 1750. Special attention will be given to changing historical interpretations of race, class, and gender in analyzing women’s experiences.

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  • HIST 2110 - Ancient History (3)

    An introduction to the history and the ancient civilizations of Africa, Babylonia, and Persia. A study of the government and society of Greece and the early Italian peoples.

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  • HIST 2120 - Medieval History (3)

    An introduction to the breakup of the Roman Empire. The course discusses the Germanic invasions, and the rise of the Papacy, feudalism, and the manorial system. It examines the rise of nation-states and the developing controversy between church and state.

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  • HIST 2220 - United States History Since 1865 (3)

    A general survey of U.S. history from Reconstruction to the present, emphasizing the Industrial Revolution, social and agrarian movements, and aspects of 20th-century American history.

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  • HIST 2410 - African History to 1800 (3)

    A general survey of African developments before 1800, with a discussion of the rise of African states and the impact of outsiders on the continent.

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  • HIST 2420 - African History Since 1800 (3)

    A general survey of African developments since 1800, with a discussion of the dynamics of imperialism as they operated in Africa during the period of the partitioning and subsequent colonization, the rise of African nationalism, the process of decolonization, and the issues facing African states since independence.

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  • HIST 2510 - Introduction to Public History (3)

    Prerequisites: This course introduces students to the field of public history. It is a survey of the rich variety and complex web of interrelated research activities activities that constitute the practice of public history; particular attention given to African Americans’ influence on the field. Lectures, readings, guest speakers, field trips, and group work will be utilized. 

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  • HIST 2610 - Latin American History: The Colonial Period, 1480-1820 (3)

    A survey of the discovery of the New World, the conquest of the indigenous societies, the processes of cultural transformation, and the independence revolutions of the Latin American colonies.

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  • HIST 2620 - Latin American History: The National Period (3)

    A survey of the problems experienced by the independent Latin American nations in their economic, political and social evolution from 1820 to the present. Special emphasis is given to the development of republicanism, capitalism, and nationalism.

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  • HIST 2890 - Methods and Applications in History (3)

    An interdisciplinary study of methods and applications used by historians. The course will include classroom and community involvement, such as interviews, surveys, and public history projects.

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  • HIST 2910 - Histories and Societies of South Asia Prior to 1750 (3)

    This course addresses the development of society, culture and polity in South Asia (i.e., India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal). It traces the interactions and tensions between society, culture and polity, and covers ancient, and medieval and early modern South Asia.

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  • HIST 3010 - Problems in European History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one European survey course and permission of the instructor. An intensive study of various problems in European history. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 3020 - Problems in American History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one American survey course and permission of the instructor. An intensive study of various problems in American history. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 3040 - Topics in African History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one African survey course and permission of the instructor. An intensive study of the various problems in African history. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 3072 - Women in the African Diaspora (3)

    This course is a comparative study of women in the African Diaspora.  The course explores the sociocultural constructions of race and the processes of acculturation and resistance among people of African descent in the ‘New World’ and the ‘Old World’.  We will focus on women in Africa and its Diaspora communities in the Caribbean, Latin America, and North America.  Part of this course pays close attention to the leadership strategies of women in the African Diaspora providing opportunities for students to adapt these models for their personal development.

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  • HIST 3100 - Independent Readings in European History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one European survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced examination through in-depth readings on some topic or country in European history. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 3115 - Europe, 1500-1815 (3)

    An overview of the underlying causes and far-reaching results of the Renaissance and Reformation, the expansion of European powers, the Old Regime, the French Revolution, and Napoleonic Europe.

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  • HIST 3145 - History of Russia to the Revolution (3)

    An overview of the development of the political, social, economic, and military ideas of Russia to the Bolshevik Revolution.

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  • HIST 3160 - History of England since 1688 (3)

    An overview of the social, intellectual, economic, and political history of England from the Glorious Revolution to the present.

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  • HIST 3210 - American Military History (3)

    An examination of the history and evolution of the American military system from colonial times to the present, with a discussion of the early roots of the American military within the context of America’s social, economic, and political development.

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  • HIST 3220 - Recent United States History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one American survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced survey of American history since 1900.

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  • HIST 3230 - American Urban History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one American survey course and permission of the instructor. A survey of the growth of American urban history from the Colonial period to the present, with a discussion of the relationship of urban society to the development of American political, economic, and social history.

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  • HIST 3250 - American Economic History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one American survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced study of the American economic system from Colonial times to the present, with a concentration on how this system is regulated and how it influences individuals, economic growth, politics, and international relations.

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  • HIST 3260 - American Labor History (3)

    This course traces the history of American workers and organized labor unions from the Colonial era to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the interaction between workers and unions, and political and economic developments.

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  • HIST 3310 - Hip Hop in Global Perspective (3)

    Prerequisites: Completion of the following courses:  HIST 1540  or HIST 3520  or SOCI 2300 . This course examines hip hop’s historical origin in the United States and its global spread to Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, and the Middle East.  We will explore how youth throughout the world increasingly draw on U.S. hip hop to address their own experiences of marginality, exploitation, and displacement, localizing the music in ways that create a multiplicity of models that complicate the cultural transmission of a global art form.

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  • HIST 3420 - State Formation in Pre-Colonial Africa (3)

    An examination of state formation in Africa from the rise of ancient Ghana about 800 A.D. to the founding of Islamic states in West and Central Africa in the 19th century.

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  • HIST 3430 - Africa Under Colonial Rule (3)

    An examination of the policies of European colonial administrations in Africa from the partition in the late 19th century to the beginnings of the decolonization movement after World War II.

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  • HIST 3450 - African Economic History (3)

    An advanced study of African economic systems from ancient times to the present with a concentration on how these systems have influenced individuals, states, politics, and international relations.

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  • HIST 3500 - Independent Readings in African American History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one Afro-American survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced examination through in-depth readings on some topic in African American history. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 3522 - The Black Female Body in American Culture (3)

    This course examines the constructions, representations, forms of appropriation and liberation of the Black female body in cross-cultural, historical and contemporary perspective.  Particular attention will be given to examining ways that the intersecting hierarchies of gender, race, class, sexuality and culture shape the treatment of the Black female body.

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  • HIST 3523 - Black Feminist and Feminist Thought (3)

    The purpose of this course is to examine the history of Black feminist theory and scholarship.  The course will explore topical areas in Black feminist and feminist scholarship.  It pays particular attention to theoretical perspectives that examine local, national, and international topics that include:  the social construction of gender and sexuality; definitions of womanhood; the female body and the politics of representation; comparative feminisms; women’s culture; political and economic expressions; and women’s activism and participation in social transformation will be included.

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  • HIST 3524 - Black Women and Activism (3)

    The purpose of this course is to highlight the multiple ways black women activists have shaped United States History.  Through this course, students will explore and examine the struggles and accomplishments of Black women activists.  The course also examines black women’s clubs, groups, and organizations in the hopes of creating a more accurate portrayal of the impact these individuals and groups have had on society.  The second half of the course will enable students to see more clearly how black women served as critical agents in uplifting their communities, particularly during tremendous periods of interracial turmoil and heightened group tensions.

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  • HIST 3525 - Black Women and Slavery (3)

    The purpose of this course is to investigate African American women’s history during the colonial era to 1865.  The principal focus of the course is to apply analytical frameworks of race, gender and class to understand the life cycles and multiple roles of women of African descent as mothers, daughters, wives, workers and social change agents.  Throughout the course, we will utilize a variety of monographs as well as primary source materials to document black women’s experiences in slavery.

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  • HIST 3527 - Black Women in the 20th Century (3)

    This course explores United States history by centering black women’s experiences within the study of African American and U.S. History.  Using African American women’s history as its lens, the course also examines the intersection of race, class, and gender in American society.  This course takes a chronological and thematic approach to the study of African American women from the dawn of the twentieth century to the present.  Particular themes that will be explored include:  the relationship between constructions of race, class and gender; productive and reproductive labor; women’s networks; migration; the gendered meaning of freedom, and issues facing black women in the twentieth century.

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  • HIST 3600 - Independent Readings in Latin American History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one Latin American survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced examination through in-depth readings on some topic or country in Latin American history. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 3630 - History of Central America (3)

    An in-depth study of the political, economic, and social developments in Central American countries since 1800 with particular attention to the independence wars, the struggles to achieve nationhood, cultural integration, economic independence, and social democracy.

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  • HIST 3710 - Introduction to African Diaspora History (3)

    An introduction to the history of the African Diaspora. An in-depth discussion of the dispersal of people of African descent throughout the world.

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  • HIST 3900 - Internship in Historical Studies (1 to 12)

    A practical hands-on work experience in the historical field. The course integrates academic studies with related and supervised experiences.

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  • HIST 3910 - South Asia Under British Imperial Rule, 1750-1885 (3)

    This course uses readings, lectures and films to focus on the British Empire in South Asia (i.e., India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal). It examines imperialism as a cultural, economic and political form of domination and emphasizes historical factors leading to its rise in South Asia. The course utilizes British history in South Asia to contextualize past forms of European imperialism, as well as present forms of global domination.

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  • HIST 3920 - The Unmaking of the British Empire in India, 1885-1947 (3)

    This course addresses how India – a seemingly permanent British imperial possession – gained independence after the formation of the Indian National Congress 1885. It examines how decolonization results not only from nationalist pressure but a full range of social, political, and economic factors.

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  • HIST 4010 - Seminar in European History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one European survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced investigation of special topics in European history with emphasis on the writing of a research paper. Critical attention will be given to the development of each research paper via group critique. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 4020 - Seminar in American History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one American survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced investigation of special topics in American history with emphasis on the writing of a research paper. Critical attention will be given to the development of each research paper via group critique. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 4040 - Seminar in African History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one African survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced investigation of special topics in African history with emphasis on the writing of a research paper. Critical attention will be given to the development of each research paper via group critique. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 4050 - Seminar in African American History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one African-American survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced investigation of special topics in African American history with emphasis on the writing of a research paper. Critical attention will be given to the development of each research paper via group critique. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 4060 - Seminar in Latin American History (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one Latin American survey course and permission of the instructor. An advanced investigation of special topics in Latin American history with emphasis on the writing of a research paper. Critical attention will be given to the development of each research paper via group critique. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 4070 - Seminar in the African Diaspora (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one survey course in African or Afro-American history or the African Diaspora and permission of the instructor. An advanced investigation of special topics in the African Diaspora with emphasis on the writing of a research paper. Critical attention will be given to the development of each research paper via group critique. This course, an elective, may be taken up to three times for credit each time.

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  • HIST 4080 - Seminar in Public History (3)

    Prerequisites: HIST 2000 ,HIST 2890  ,HIST 4810   Seminar in Public History is an undergraduate research seminar that explores the nature and practice of Public History and the various methods and approaches and central to Public History research. Topical areas of research may include archives, museums, historic sites, national parks, monuments and memorials, memory, local history, community history, urban archeology, and applied history in business or government. Geographical areas of study may include the United States, Africa, the African Diaspora, Europe, or Asia. Students must complete a substantive research paper or research project based largely on primary sources. 

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule

  • HIST 4110 - Europe Since 1914 (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one survey course in European history and permission of the instructor. An advanced survey of the political, economic, social, and intellectual developments of 20th century Europe.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule

  • HIST 4120 - European Diplomatic History, 1879 to the Present (3)

    Prerequisites: At least one survey course in European history and permission of the instructor. An advanced study of the forces and events that produced World War I and World War II, the role of the United States in European affairs, and the contemporary picture of Europe and the world.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule


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