Audrey W. Beard, Ed.D, Dean
Telephone: (919) 530-6466
Fax: (919) 530-6240
Main Office: 2062 H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
The mission of the School of Education is to prepare education professionals to serve and inspire excellence in teaching, administration, counseling, communication, technology, and other related services. Central to our mission is the development of leaders who promote social justice and dedicate themselves to the well-being of a global community.
Degree Programs in the School of Education
The School of Education offers degrees in the following undergraduate majors:
Early Childhood Education B.S.
Elementary Education (K-6) B.A.
Middle Grades Education (6-9) B.A.
Licensure Programs at NCCU
The school of Education (SOE) in conjunction with the College of Health and Sciences (CHS), College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (CASH), and the School of Library Information Sciences (SLIS) offers initial and advanced licensure pathways. Specific programmatic information can be found on the respective websites, as indicated below.
Candidates pursuing an undergraduate degree in education must be formally admitted to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) before taking any restricted courses. Candidates should consult with the coordinator for programmatic requirements.
Birth to Kindergarten (B-K) (SOE)
Candidates can earn an initial license in Birth to Kindergarten.
Elementary Education (K-6) (SOE)
Candidates pursuing an initial license are required to complete a concentration of 18-24 hours in one of the following areas:
- Art
- Biology
- English as a Second Language
- English Literature
- English Writing
- History
- Literacy
- Mathematics (general)
- French
- Spanish
- Social Science
Middle Grades (6-9) (SOE)
Candidates are required to complete a concentration of 24 hours each in two of the following areas:
- Math
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Science
Secondary (9-12)
Candidates can receive an initial license in the following content areas:
- English (CAS)
- Mathematics (CAS)
- Comprehensive Science (with degrees in Biology Chemistry, Geography, or Physics) (CAS)
- Comprehensive Social Studies (with a degree in History) (CAS)
Special Subject Areas (K-12)
Candidates can receive an initial license in the following content areas:
- Dance (CAS)
- Spanish (CAS)
- Music (CAS)
- Physical Education (CBSS)
- Theater Arts (CAS)
Add-on Licensure (K-12)
Candidates with an initial license can add-on licensure in the following areas:
- Academically and Intellectually Gifted (SOE)
- English-as-a Second Language (CAS)
- Literacy (SOE)
University Policies for Undergraduates
The undergraduate teacher education programs adhere to the University’s policies in the following areas: Registration, Grading System, Academic Dismissal, Repeating Courses, Changing Grades, Changing Majors, Transfer Credit, Course Withdrawal, Institutional, Withdrawal, Maximum and Minimum Course Loads, and Degrees with Distinction. See the Academic Regulations section of this catalog for additional information on undergraduate policies and procedures. Additionally, candidates are required to maintain a 2.7 GPA throughout the program and earn a C or better in their professional studies, major, and concentration coursework (see Admissions).
Academic Advisement
Students who wish to pursue teacher education as a profession should seek advisement early in their academic careers. Incoming freshman and transfer students are initially advised in the University College until sufficient credits have been earned to progress to their respective Colleges or Schools. Those who choose elementary or middle grades education as a major are transferred to advisors in the School of Education. Advisement for students interested in K-12 or secondary education (9-12) is provided by chairpersons and faculty of academic departments.Students being advised in an education program must be formally admitted into the Teacher Education Program with the help of their academic advisor. See Admissions (above).
Admission to the Teacher Education Program
The undergraduate division of education follows the University’s policies for admission. Generally, during the first two years, the student completes the University’s General Education Curriculum (GEC). The student is eligible for formal admission to the undergraduate Teacher Education Program (TEP), a state requirement, if the applicant completes:
- All course work in the GEC.
- Course work with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.7;
- Two English (ENG 1110 and 1210) and one speech (MSCM 1250) requirements in the General Education Curriculum with at least a minimum grade of “C” in each course;
- The Praxis I Core at a level required by the N. C. Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) (for the SAT/ACT alternatives, please see the program coordinator)
- The TEP application (available through the electronic portfolio platform).
Graduation and Licensure
In addition to the University’s requirements for graduation, students seeking North Carolina licensure must do the following:
Maintain a 2.7 GPA throughout the program and earn a C or better in their professional studies, major, and concentration coursework;
- Complete a professional education program at NCCU, including student teaching;
- Earn passing scores on the specialty area tests of the Pearson/Praxis II prior to student teaching, if required in program area;
- Pass edTPA (Education Teacher Performance Assessment) during student teaching;
- Receive the recommendation for licensure from the program coordinator in the licensure area; and
- Complete the NCDPI online licensure portal application and pay the applicable fee.
To obtain licensure information, prospective teacher education majors should visit the School of Education website ( before contacting the NCCU licensure officer. Specific specialty area and education requirements may be obtained from the academic department chairs or teacher education coordinators.
Specialty Area Tests (Pearson/Praxis II)
All candidates are expected to pass required specialty area exams, as determined by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, prior to student teaching. Candidates are expected to upload their exam scores in the electronic portfolio before they begin their level 2 student teaching internship (August 1st for fall and December 1st for spring).
All candidates seeking initial licensure are expected to complete the edTPA portfolio assessment during student teaching. Candidates will be expected to meet the minimum score, as established by NCDPI.
According to its website, “edTPA is a performance-based, subject-specific assessment and support system used by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction to emphasize, measure and support the skills and knowledge that all teachers need from Day 1 in the classroom. The edTPA assessment includes versions of 27 subject-specific teaching fields. The assessment features a common architecture focused on three tasks: planning, instruction, and assessment.” (
Elementary Education K-6
Go to information for Elementary Education K-6.
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Elementary Education, Art Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, B.A.
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Elementary Education, Biology Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, English as a Second Language (ESL) Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, English Literature Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, English Writing Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, History Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, Literacy Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, Math Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, Modern Foreign Language - French Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, Modern Foreign Language - Spanish Concentration, B.A.
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Elementary Education, Second Degree, B.A.
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Elementary Education, Social Science Concentration, B.A.
Middle Grades Education
Go to information for Middle Grades Education.
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Middle Grade Education, Social Studies and Science Concentration, BA
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Middle Grades Education, B.A.
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Middle Grades Education, Language Arts and Mathematics Concentration, B.A.
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Middle Grades Education, Language Arts and Science Concentrations, B.A.
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Middle Grades Education, Language Arts and Social Studies Concentrations, B.A.
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Middle Grades Education, Language Arts, B.A. (2nd Degree)
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Middle Grades Education, Math and Science Concentrations, B.A.
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Middle Grades Education, Math, B.A. (2nd Degree)
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Middle Grades Education, Science, B.A. (2nd Degree)
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Middle Grades Education, Social Studies and Mathematics Concentrations, B.A.
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Middle Grades Education, Social Studies, B.A. (2nd Degree)
Teacher Education Program
Go to information for Teacher Education Program.Curriculum and Instruction
Go to information for Curriculum and Instruction.