Feb 14, 2025  
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog 
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Courses Approved for 2021-2022 University Undergraduate Catalog

(New Courses and Course Modifications)

College of Health and Sciences - Department of Environmental, Earth and Geospatial Sciences

Request to Add a New Course - ENSC 4000 Environmental Education and Outreach Practice -
Prerequisites: ENSC 2100  -  Global Environmental Sustainability or permission of the instructor. Concurrent enrollment is acceptable. This introductory environmental education course is designed to prepare students to implement environmental education opportunities in formal and non-formal education setting. This course provides exposure to central themes of environmental education. Finally, this course provides participants with opportunities to utilize the environment in their instructional program.
Request to Add a Course- ENSC 2700 Environmental Justice - This course will cover the foundation of the environmental justice movement, sociocultural, political and economic processes by which environmental inequities by race, socioeconomic status and gender are believed to have arisen and continue to persist. Environmental issues such as landfills, air pollution issues, water pollution issues, solid, chemical & hazardous waste disposal, nuclear & biological waste issues, global oil spill and coastal impacts and climate change issues. Environmental justice solutions will also be identified and examined.
Request to Add a New Course - ENSC 2800 - Sustainable Food Systems - Sustainable Food Systems - This course will examine the spatial associations between the various agents within the food environment such as the cost of food, spending patterns, source locations (where people are traveling from) and destinations (where people are traveling to) to procure food, both healthy and unhealthy, in concert with socio-economic variables. Furthermore, this course will analyze how the social, economic and global health conditions impact food environment regarding availability, access, and affordability of foods across regions.
Request to Deactivate Course - GEOG 3320 Cartography, GEOG 4020 Computer Cartography, GEOG 4120 - Advanced Cartography, GEOG 4320 Seminar in Cartographic Research.


College of Health and Sciences - Department of Public Health Education

Request to Add a New Course - HEDU 4410 - Internship Planning in Public Health Education -
Prerequisites: HEDU 4000 , HEDU 4300 , HEDU 4660 , HEDU 4120 . This course is required for all public health education majors and prepares the students to successfully complete the required 320-hours supervised internship experience with a public health education agency.

College of Health and Sciences - Department of Kinesiology and Recreation Administration

Request for Course Modification - KIN 2000 - Introduction to Physical Education - This course is designed as an introduction to the field of Kinesiology and related areas of sport and recreation. The historical development, foundations and trends, scope, careers, relative to physical education, sport, and recreation are adressed. This is a writing intensive course.
Request for Course Modification - KIN 4110 - Introduction to Kinesiology - This course is designed the learner with an understanding of the scientific basis of human movement based on the discipline of biomechanics.
Request for Course Modification - KIN 4640 Internship in Kinesiology - The Directed Professional Experience (DDE) capstone course in Kinesiology is designed to provide culminating exposure to discipline-specific procedures, research, and best practices. The course will provide a transition from the university to a professional kinesiology setting.
Request for Course Modification - RECR 4630 Internship in Recreation - In accordance with the standards set by the Council on Accreditation of Parks, Recreation, Tourism, and Related Professions (COAPRT), the student will complete a directed professional experience at an approved recreation agency under the guidance and supervision of a recreation administration faculty member and a professional practitioner.
Request for Course Modification - RECR 4635 - Internship in Recreational Therapy - The student will complete a directed professional experience at an approved recreational therapy agency under the guidance and supervision of a professional prctitioner and recreation administration faculty member, both of whom must possess active Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialist (CTRS) certification status and active license by the North Carolina Board of Recreational Therapy (NCBRTL). Interns will be exposed to components of the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC) Job Analysis Task Areas.

University College

Request to Add a New Course - UNIV 1300 - Interdisciplinary Research Seminar - This seminar serves as an introduction for project design; scholarly inquiry, group project development and research methods and the philosophies/approaches upon which it is build. In this seminar, students will learn the steps for carrying out research studies with special focus on setting up the rationale for a research project, creating a competent methodology, collecting data, analyzing the data, interpreting the results, and then communicating the results. The course is designed to challenge students to think critically and develop a sound attainable research proposal based on the interest of the students.
Request to Add a New Course - HON 3000 - Special Topics Course - Prerequisites: ENG 1210  . Special Topics in Honors is an upper-level seminar course that allows faculty from a variety of disciplines to engage honors students in relevant and innovative conversations based on current social, political, economic, societal, or educational issues. This course will be interdisciplinary in nature and allow for possible team teaching and extensive cross-boundary discourse. Specific topics will be based upon faculty expertise, students’ interests and current community, national, and global trends. Course can be taken a maximum of two times.
Request to Add a New Course - HON 4000 - Independent Study - Prerequisites: Permission of University Honors Program Director The Independent Study in Honors gives upper-level situations that can be catered to their academic research and professional interests. This course will be interdisciplinary in nature and allow for advanced study in area with a designated faculty member and/or professional mentor. This course also can be used for students engaging in an experiential or project-based research and learning opportunity in collaboration with an external campus partner, such as a foundation, academic institution, or corporation. Note: All external research opportunities must be approved by the University Honors Program Director.

School of Education - Curriculum and Instruction

Request to Add a Course- EDU 3900 Supportive Classroom Practices for Student Success - The purpose of this course is to provide candidates, during their Level 1 internship, with group and individual behavior supports that can be used in diverse educational environments. Course content will provide both theoretical understanding and practical application of strategies aimed at creating safe, encouraging, and effective learning environments. Teacher candidates will explore their own values and beliefs as it relates to classroom discipline, and reflect on how they contribute to the overall classroom culture, climate and community. Additionally, students will work on completing Level 1 requirements and preparation for passing NCDPI statewide mandated testing requirements. This course requires 60 hours of field experience as part of a candidates Level 1 requirement.
Request to Add a Course- EDU 3005 Educational Psychology and Human Development - This is an introduction to the study of human growth and cognitive development of school aged learners through early childhood, the middle years and adolescence. Learning theories and principles of pedagogy which shape teaching and best educational practices are introduced. Emphasis is also placed upon application of the basic concepts of physical, perceptual, mental, personality, social, language, emotional, and moral development of children and adolescents. Attention is given to the possible causes, characteristics and teacher to how schools meet the development need to their student populations by conducting in-school experience are required.
Request to Deactivate Course - EDU 3000 Introduction to Educational Psychology - This course will be replaced with a new course EDU 3005 which supports candidates and programs by reducing the redundancy of content covered in both EDU 3000 and EDU 3010.
Request to Deactivate Course - EDU 3010 Human Growth and Development - This course will be replaced with a new course EDU 3005 which supports candidates and programs by reducing the redundancy of content covered in both EDU 3000 and EDU 3010.

University Honors Program

Request to Add a Course - HON 3000 Special Topics Course - Special Topics in Honors is an upper-level seminar course that allows faculty from a variety of disciplines to engage honors students in relevant and innovative conversations based on current social, political, economic, societal, or educational issues. This course will be interdisciplinary in nature and allow for possible team teaching and extensive cross-boundary discourse. Specific topics will be based upon faculty expertise, students’ interests and current community, national, and global trends. Course can be taken a maximum of two times.
Request to Add a Course - HON 4000 Independent Study - The Independent Study in Honors gives upper-level situations that can be catered to their academic research and professional interests. This course will be interdisciplinary in nature and allow for advanced study in area with a designated faculty member and/or professional mentor. This course also can be used for students engaging in an experiential or project-based research and learning opportunity in collaboration with an external campus partner, such as a foundation, academic institution, or corporation. Note: All external research opportunities must be approved by the University Honors Program Director.

School of Business - Decision Sciences, Economics, and Finance

Request to Add a Course - PFIN 4110 Survey of Personal Planning -

Pre- or Co-requisite: Permission of Department. The course provides a basic introduction to the practices of financial planning. This course surveys the five essential components of financial planning, namely, tax planning, retirement planning, estate planning, insurance and taxes. Topics include budgeting, emergency fund regulation of financial institutions, cash flows and risk management, CFP financial planning standards and types of property titling.

Request to Add a Course - PFIN 4120 Retirement Planning and Estate Planning -

Pre- or Co-requisite: Permission of Department. An introduction to fundamentals of the estate planning process, this course includes holding title property, property transfer, tax consequences, probate, will and will substitutes, lifetime gifts, generation skipping transfer tax, powers of appointment of trustee and executor and various tools/techniques used in implementing an effective estate plan. This course provides a fundamental working knowledge of the principles of developing a durable retirement income for those facing or already in retirement assets; build generational wealth; and create an income stream for retirement that you want.

Request to Add a Course - PFIN 4130 Personal Financial Planning Capstone -

Pre- or Co-requisite: Permission of department. Professional issues in financial planning including ethical considerations, regulation, and certification requirements. Topics include analyzing personal financial situations and evaluating client’s financial objectives, needs, and values, applying financial planning strategies to create client’s financial plan, providing rationale for the various approaches to the financial planning process, wealth and risk management strategies.

(Program Modifications)

School of Education - Curriculum and Instruction

Program Modification - Middle Grades Education - Discontinue EDU 3000 Introduction to Educational Psychology, Discontinue EDU 3010 Human Growth and Development, and add New Course EDU 3005 Educational Psychology and Human Development.
Program Modification - Elementary Education - Discontinue EDU 3000 Introduction to Educational Psychology, Discontinue EDU 3010 Human Growth and Development, New Course EDU 3005 Educational Psychology and Human Development and New Course EDU 3900 Supportive Classroom Practices for Student Success.

School of Education - Elementary Education

Program Modification - Discontinue EDU 3000 Introduction to Educational Psychology, Discontinue EDU 3010 Human Growth and Development, New Course EDU 3005 Educational Psychology and Human Development and New Course EDU 3900 Supportive Classroom Practices for Student Success.

School of Education - Middle Grades Education

Program Modification - Discontinue EDU 3000 Introduction to Educational Psychology, Discontinue EDU 3010 Human Growth and Development, and add New Course EDU 3005 Educational Psychology and Human Development.

School of Health and Sciences - Environmental Earth and Geospatial Sciences

Program Modification - Environmental and Geographic Science - Degree name change and elimination of concentrations.

School of Health and Sciences - Chemistry and Biochemistry

Program Modification - Addition of Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s Option to B.S. Degree in Chemistry - The Degree of Chemistry and Biochemistry wishes to add an Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (ABM) option to the existing B.S. degree program.

School of Business - Decision Sciences, Economics, and Finance

Program Modification - Add Concentration in Personal Finance to the BA degree in Business









Programs Approved for 2021-2022 University Undergraduate Catalog

College of Health and Sciences - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Good Practices for Biopharma
Request to Add a Program


College of Health and Sciences - Department of Public Health Education
Program Modification
Public Health Education - Change for a Required Course


College of Health and Sciences - Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Request to Add a Program
Online Certificate - Project Management for Biopharma


Biomedical Sciences
Program Modification
B.S., Biomedical Sciences Added