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Complete a minimum of 120 hours with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 (the last 30 hours must be completed at NCCU)
Complete all computer science and business courses with a grade of “C” or better
Foreign Language II (3)
SCI GEC Elective
HUM 2410 Arts & Humanities I ( 3 ) or
HUM 2420 Arts & Humanities II ( 3 )
CSB 3000 Computer and Business Ethics ( 3 )
HEDU 1531 Health ( 2 )
PEDU 1541 Fitness ( 2 )
UNIV 1100 First Year Seminar ( 2 )
Non-departmental requirements (must have a grade of ‘C’ or better):
COMP 1520 Programming: C++ ( 3 )
COMP 1525 Object-Oriented Programming ( 3 )
COMP 2810 Data Structures ( 3 )
ACCT 2400 Principles of Accounting I ( 3 )
MKT 3210 Principles of Marketing ( 3 )
MGT 3400 Business Communications ( 3 )
DSC 2010 Elementary Statistics ( 3 )
MATH 2400 Introduction to Statistics for Science Majors ( 3 )
MGT 3000 Organization and Management ( 3 )
CSB 2000 Introduction to Computer Science and Business ( 3 )
CIS 2500 Information Technology and Systems Software ( 3 )
CSB 4900 Capstone I ( 3 )
Requirements for Computational Science Concentration
MATH 2020 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II - 4
MATH 3420 Linear Algebra I - 3
COMP 2200 Logic for the Mathematical Sciences - 3
COMP 2300 Discrete Structures for Computation 3
COMP 3810 Design and Analysis of Algorithms - 3
COMP 2615 Introduction Computer Organization and Architecture - 3
COMP 4850 Introduction to Operating Systems - 3
CSB Elective I
CSB Elective II
CSB Elective III
CSB Elective IV
CSB Elective V
CSB Elective VI
CSB Elective VII
CSB Elective VIII
CSB Elective IX
See academic advisor to obtain the additional Computer Science electives for the Computational Science Concentration
Freshman Year
Fall Semester
* SCI GEC Requirement I (3)
* MATH 2010 Calculus and Analytic Geometry I ( 4 )
* ENG 1110 English Composition I ( 3 )
*UNIV 1100 First Year Seminar ( 2 )
* MFL Foreign Language II (3)
Spring Semester
+COMP 1520 Programming: C++ ( 3 )
*HEDU 1531 Health ( 2 )
+CSB 2000 Introduction to Computer Science and Business ( 3 )
*ENG 1210 English Composition II ( 3 )
= MATH 2020 Calculus and Analytic Geometry II ( 4 )
Sophomore Year
+COMP 1525 Object-Oriented Programming ( 3 )
+CIS 2500 Information Technology and Systems Software ( 3 )
+ACCT 2400 Principles of Accounting I ( 3 )
# Elective I (3)
*HIST 1320 World Societies ( 3 )
=COMP 2200 Logic for the Mathematical Sciences ( 3 )
*PEDU 1541 Fitness ( 2 )
+MATH 2400 Introduction to Statistics for Science Majors ( 3 )
+MGT 3000 Organization and Management ( 3 )
#Elective II (3)
Junior Year
=COMP 2300 Discrete Structures for Computation ( 3 )
+COMP 2810 Data Structures ( 3 )
*ECON 2100 Principles of Microeconomics ( 3 )
=MATH 4420 Linear Algebra II ( 3 )
#Elective IV (3)
=COMP 3810 Design and Analysis of Algorithms ( 3 )
=COMP 2615 Introduction Computer Organization and Architecture ( 3 )
*CSB 3000 Computer and Business Ethics ( 3 )
+MGT 3400 Business Communications ( 3 )
#Elective V (3)
Senior Year
=COMP 4850 Introduction to Operating Systems ( 3 )
+MKT 3210 Principles of Marketing ( 3 )
#Elective VI (3)
#Elective VII (3)
#Elective VIII (3)
+CSB 4900 Capstone I ( 3 )
*Arts &Humanities I or II (3)
*SCI GEC Requirement II (3)
#Elective IX (3)
See academic advisor to get approved Computational Science Electives.
Distribution of Hours
*General Education Curriculum (GEC): 37
+Core Computer Science and Business Requirements: 33 =Computational Science Courses: 22 #Computational Science Electives: 28