Curriculum Requirements
The Recreational Therapy specialization is designed to prepare students to work with individuals with disabilities in positions in hospitals, institutions, parks and recreation programs, rehabilitation centers, and public schools. Recreational Therapy specialists are prepared in widely diversified program areas, such as art, sports, leisure education and counseling. They assist persons in making transition from institutions or schools to community recreation. Excellent practicum experiences are provided which translates theory into practice. This option culminates with a 560 hours/14-week internship, a practical work experience with expert supervision. The Program fulfills the requirements for licensure in Recreation Therapy established by the National Council for Therapeutic Recreation Certification (NCTRC). Students will be prepared to sit for national certification exams and can become Certified Therapeutic Recreation Specialists (CTRS).
Four- Year Curriculum Plan
Four Year Curriculum Plan for Recreation Therapy Concentration
Freshman Year
Fall Semester
* ENG 1110 - English Composition I ( 3 )
*Foreign Language III (3)
* MATH 1110 - Elementary Statistics ( 3 )
* PEDU 1541 - Fitness ( 2 )
+ RECR 1000 - Introduction Recreation - 3 )
Total: 16
Spring Semester
* ENG 1210 - English Composition II ( 3 )
* MATH 1110 - Elementary Statistics ( 3 )
* BIOL 1300 - Molecules and Cell Function ( 4 )
+ RECR 2120 - Introduction to Leadership in Recreation ( 3 )
= PEDU 1100 - Elementary Swimming ( 2 )
Total: 15
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester
* BIOL 1610 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I ( 4 )
* HUM 2410 - Arts & Humanities I ( 3 ) or
* HUM 2420 - Arts & Humanities II ( 3 )
* HEDU 1531 - Health ( 2 )
* PSY 2100 - General Psychology ( 3 )
+ RECR 2250 - Introduction to Recreational Therapy ( 3 )
= RECR 3100 - Recreational Sport Programming ( 3 )
Total: 18
Spring Semester
* HIST 1320 - World Societies ( 3 )
*HUM GEC Requirement (2/3)
= PSY 3100 - Abnormal Psychology ( 3 )
+ RECR 2230 - Introduction to Outdoor Recreation ( 3 )
= RECR 3500 - Organizational Behavior ( 3 )
=Approved Recreation Elective (3)
Total: 16
Junior Year
Fall Semester
= RECR 3120 - Processes and Techniques in Recreational Therapy ( 4 )
+ RECR 2300 - Introduction to Practical Experience in Recreation ( 3 )
+ RECR 3500 - Organizational Behavior ( 3 )
+ RECR 3600 - Management and Administration ( 3 )
+ RECR 3800 - Research Methods ( 3 )
Total: 16
Spring Semester
+ RECR 3900 - Facility Management ( 3 )
= RECR 4140 - Program Design and Evaluation in Recreational Therapy ( 3 )
+ RECR 4270 - Advanced Concepts in Parks, Recreation/Sports, and Leisure Studies ( 3 )
= PEDU 3000 - Motor Learning ( 3 )
= PSY 3310 - The Psychology of Human Development and Maturation ( 3 )
Total: 15
Senior Year
Fall Semester
+ RECR 4900 - Technology Applications ( 3 )
= RECR 4142 - Methods and Practices in Recreational Therapy ( 3 )
+ RECR 4145 - Facilitation Techniques in Recreational Therapy ( 3 )
+ RECR 4625 - Pre-internship in Recreation ( 1 )
SOCI 2110 - Sociology (3)
=Approved Recreation Elective (3)
Total: 16
Spring Semester
+ RECR 4150 - Event Management and Program Planning ( 4 )
+ RECR 4610 - Financial Management ( 3 )
+ RECR 4635 - Internship in Recreational Therapy ( 12 )
PEDU 4500 - Adapted Physical Education ( 3 )
Total: 12
Total Minimum Credit Hours: 124
Distribution of Hours
*General Education Curriculum Courses - 41
+Recreation Administration Professional Courses - 49
=Recreation Therapy (RT) Concentration Required Courses - 34-35
<Student must apply for admission into the Parks, Recreation, and Leisure Studies Program after the completion of RECR 1000 , RECR 2120 , RECR 2250 , and RECR 2250 . Application requires a minimum 2.0 overall GPA in Recreation Administration Professional Courses and two letters of recommendation.
<Licensure in Recreation Therapy requires the successful completion of Anatomy & Physiology, Abnormal Psychology, and Human Growth and Development.
>Students are required to be senior status, have permission of their advisor, and have completed RECR 4625 prior to enrolling in the RECR 4635 . Students are not to take other courses when completing the internship course.
(SI) - Speaking Intensive
(WI) - Writing Intensive
Many courses listed in the first year of this plan are specific to this degree program and may not fulfill degree requirements for other programs at the University. Students are advised that changing their program of study from this major to another major, after the first year, can extend the time until graduation by a semester or more.