Feb 18, 2025  
Undergraduate Course Catalog 2024-2025 
Undergraduate Course Catalog 2024-2025

North Carolina Central University


Administrative Officers

Chancellor’s Office

Dr. Karrie G. Dixon 530-6104
Alyn Goodson 530-5423
Executive Vice Chancellor  
Avery L. Staley 530-5133
Chief of Staff  
Stephen W. Fusi 530-7266
Chief Brand Officer  
Joel T. Faison 530-7488
Chief Information Officer  
Damon Williams 530-5397
Chief of Police  
Marc Sneed 530-6154
Assistant University Legal Counsel  
Johnnie Southerland 530-5321
Director of Strategic Planning and Assessment  
Robert Gaines 530-7742
Internal Auditor  
Dr. Louis Perkins 530-7057
Director of Athletics  
Brenda Shaw, Director 530-7853
Title III  
Sandra Powers  530-7887
Executive Assistant to the Chancellor  
Brielle Barrow 530-7345
Special Assistant to the Chancellor, Communications  
Tracy Vanderberg 530-5561
Executive Assistant to the Executive Vice Chancellor  
Anthony Jarman  530-5011
Administrative Support Specialist  
Deborah McQueen 530-7653
Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff  


Academic Affairs

Dr. Ontario S. Wooden 530-6230 owooden@nccu.edu
Interim Provost and Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs 312 Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Dr. Yolanda Anderson 530-6738 yandersn@nccu.edu
Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Development and Resources 312 Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Malissa Evans-Hall 530-5221 mevanshall@nccu.edu
Associate Provost for Academic Budget and Personnel 206 Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Dr. Karen Keaton Jackson 530-7149 kkjackson@nccu.edu
Interim Associate Provost for Academic Programs and Research 310-B Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Dr. Kimberly C. Phifer-McGhee 530-5069  kpmcghee@nccu.edu
Associate Vice Chancellor for Extended Studies and Student Support

306-A Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building

Dr. Sharon Oliver 530-5313 soliver@nccu.edu
Associate Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management

306B Dr. James E. Shepard

Administration Building

Dr. Jaleh Rezaie 530-7396 jrezaie@nccu.edu
Associate Provost and Dean of School of Graduate Studies 123 Taylor Education Building
Dr. Jerome Goodwin 530-6739 jgoodwin@nccu.edu
University Registrar 110 Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Dr. Theodosia Shields 530-5233 tshields@nccu.edu
Director of Library Services 1st Floor James E. Shepard Library
Dr. Pauletta Brown Bracy 530-6900 pbracy@nccu.edu
Director of Accreditation 315 Hubbard Totten Chemistry Building
Dr. Sarah Carrigan 530-7487 scarriga@nccu.edu
Associate Vice Chancellor for Institutional Research, Effectiveness and
2028 H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education


Dr. Mohammad Ahmed 530-7573 mahmed2@NCCU.EDU
College of Health and Sciences 1209 Mary M. Townes Science Building
Executive Assistant:
Ms. Cyndi Shaw
530-7642 cshaw001@nccu.edu
Dr. Audrey Beard 530-7438 jpgrant@nccu.edu
School of Education 310 James E. Shepard Library
Executive Assistant: Mr. Anthony Philpott 530-7585 aphilpott@nccu.edu
Dr. Anthony Nelson 530-6175 acnelson@nccu.edu
School of Business 370 School of Business Building
Executive Assistant: Ms. Kim Butler 530-6458 kbutle25@nccu.edu
Dr. Kimberly Phifer-McGhee 530-7593 kpmcghee@nccu.edu
Extended Studies and Distance Education 306 Shepard Administration Building
Dr. Jaleh Rezaie 530-7395 jrezaie@nccu.edu
School of Graduate Studies 123 Taylor Education Building
Executive Assistant:
Ms. Laretha Davis
530-6716 ldavi101@nccu.edu
Dr. Patrick Roughen, (Interim Dean) 530-5151 proughen@nccu.edu
School of Library and Information Sciences 314 James E. Shepard Memorial Library
Executive Assistant: Mr. Anthony Philpott 530-7585 aphilpott@nccu.edu
Dr. Theodosia Shields, Director 530-5233 tshields@nccu.edu
James E. Shepard Memorial Library 1st Floor James E. Shepard Memorial Library
Executive Assistant: 530-6475
Atty. Patricia Timmons-Goodson 530-7612 ptimmons@nccu.edu
School of Law 263 Albert L. Turner Law Building
Executive Assistant: Ms. Demetria Robinson 530-6773 dfrobinson@nccu.edu
Dr. Zackary W. Underwood 530-5234 zunderw1@nccu.edu
University College 238 Alexander-Dunn Building
Executive Assistant: Jesse White 530-5235 jwhite138@NCCU.EDU
Dr. Arwin D. Smallwood 530-6794 asmallw5@nccu.edu
College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Humanities 115 Farrison-Newton Communications Building
Executive Assistant:   

Associate and Assistant Deans

Robert Wortham 530-5349 rwortham@nccu.edu
College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities 240 Miller-Morgan Building
Sharon White 530-6133 sharon.white@nccu.edu
School of Business School of Business Building
Kia H. Vernon  530-7816 kvernon@nccu.edu
School of Law Albert L. Turner Law Building
Shannon C. Pugh 530-7041 spugh@nccu.edu
Interim University College Alexander Dunn Building
Dawn Matthews 530-6658 dmatth23@nccu.edu
University College 206 Alexander Dunn Building
Kweneshia Price 530-7042 kprice18@nccu.edu
University College 105 Alexander Dunn Building
April Gordon Dawson 530-6502 adawson@nccu.edu
School of Law Albert L. Turner Law Building
Carol Chestnut 530-6286 cchestnut@nccu.edu
School of Law 160 Albert L. Turner Law Building
Nakia C. Davis 530-6615 ndavis@nccu.edu
School of Law 112 Albert L. Turner Law Building
Sharon N. Gaskin 530-6517 sgaskin6@nccu.edu
School of Law Albert L. Turner Law Building
Alicia Marks Flowers 530-7813 amarks3@nccu.edu
School of Law 148 Albert L. Turner Law Building
Director of Research Institutes  
Hernan Navarro, Director 530-7001 hnavarro@nccu.edu
Biomanufacturing/ Research Institute Technology Enterprise (BRITE) 1101 Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise (BRITE)
Deepak Kumar 530-7017 dkumar@nccu.edu
Julius L. Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute (BBRI) 104 Julius L. Chambers BBRI

Director of Centers & Institutes

Jarvis Hall 530-7256 jhall@nccu.edu
Institute for Civic Engagement and Social Change 109 Edmonds Classroom Building
Kimberly Cogdell-Boyce 530-6618 kcogdell@nccu.edu
Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Law Institute 160 Turner Law Building
Mark Morris 530-5254 mmorris@nccu.edu
Dispute Resolution Institute 125 Turner Law Building
Gail Hollowell 530-7060 ghollowell@nccu.edu
Center for Science, Math & Technology Education 305 Lee Biology Building
Harvey McMurray 530-5204 hmcmurray@nccu.edu
Center for Advancement of Justice Study and
301 Farrison-Newton Communication Bldg.
*formerly Center for Domestic & International Criminal Justice  
Research & Policy  
Christopher Herring 530-5206 mherring@nccu.edu
Institute for Homeland Security and Workforce Development Holy Cross Annex, First Floor
Branislav Vlahovic 530-7253 vlahovic@nccu.edu
CREST (Center for Research Excellence in Science and Technology) 1201 Mary Townes Science Complex
Branislav Vlahovic 530-7253 vlahovic@nccu.edu
NASA University Research Center - Center for Aerospace Device 1201 Mary Townes Science Complex
Research and Education  

Director of Programs

Calleen Herbert 530-6143 cherbert@nccu.edu
Academic Comm. Service Learning Program 206 Academic Community Service Learning Program Building
James Ham 530-7713 jham1@nccu.edu
Office of International Affairs 3137 Nursing Building
Abdul Mohammed 530-6351 amohammed@nccu.edu
Summer Ventures in Science and Mathematics 3102 Mary Townes Science Complex
Karen Keaton- Jackson 530-7477 kkjackson@nccu.edu
University Honors Program G-06 Annie Day Shepard Hall
Micheler Richardson 530-6421 mrrichardson@nccu.edu
Cancer Program 220 Julius L. Chambers BBRI

Administration & Finance

Akua Matherson 530-7425 amathers@nccu.edu
Interim Chief Financial Officer & Vice Chancellor of Administration and Finance 113 Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Michael Hill 530-5214 mhill73@nccu.edu
Chief Human Resources Officer 213-C Hubbard-Totten Building
Melissa Hill 530-7354
University Budget Director 211 Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Vacant 530-5422
Comptroller 011A Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Associate Comptroller 011-B Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building
Ashley Wages 530-5063 awages@nccu.edu
Director of Purchasing 615 Lawson Street
Director of Environmental Health and Safety 126 Hubbard-Totton Building
Derrick Magee 530-7420 dmagee@NCCU.EDU
Associate Vice Chancellor of Enterprises Lower Level W.G. Pearson Cafeteria
Lori Blake-Reid 530-7244 lblake3@nccu.edu
Director of Facilities Services Physical Plant

Institutional Advancement

Dr. Gia Soublet 530-7856 gsoublet@nccu.edu
Vice Chancellor of Institutional Advancement 133 William Jones Building
Chris L. Davis 530-5264 chris.davis@nccu.edu
Assistant Vice Chancellor 129 William Jones Building
Patricia Mitchell 530-7204 pmitchell@nccu.edu
Associate Vice Chancellor for Advancement Services 129 William Jones Building
Ann M. Beamon 530-7072 abeamon3@nccu.edu
Major Gifts Officer 2022 H.M. Michaux, Jr. School of Education Building
Corey Savage 530-7097 corey.savage@nccu.edu
Director of Development, College of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities 115 Farrison-Newton Communications Building
Jacqueline Allen 530-7074 jaallen@nccu.edu
Office Manager 132 Willam Jones Building
Helen Tannis 530-5259 htannis@nccu.edu
Prospect Researcher 039 William Jones Building
Kizzy Brown 530-7784 kcbrown@nccu.edu
University Program Specialist William Jones Building
Anita Parker 530-7601 aparker@nccu.edu
Development Associate 132 William Jones Building
Ernest Jenkins 530-6731 ernest.jenkins@nccu.edu
Executive Director, NCCU Foundation 307 Hubbard-Totton Building
Leslie Allen-Howell 530-7397 lhowell@nccu.edu
Accounts Payable Technician, NCCU Foundation 038 William Jones Building
Vacant 530-7517 
Assistant Vice Chancellor and Executive Director Alumni House
NCCU Alumni Relations  
Lamisa McCoy-Foxx 530-7361 lmccoy@nccu.edu
Event Manager, NCCU Alumni Relations 5 Alumni House
Denise Raynor 530-6363 dgraynor@nccu.edu
Alumni Programs Coordinator, NCCU Alumni Relations Alumni House

Graduate Education and Research

Undi Hoffler, Director 530-5140 uhoffler@nccu.edu
Research Compliance and Technology Transfer 309-B Hubbard-Totton Building
Hernan Navarro, Director 530-7001 hnavarro@nccu.edu
Biomanufacturing/Research Institute Technology Enterprise 1101 Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise (BRITE)
Deepak Kumar, Director 530-7017 kkimbro@nccu.edu
Julius L. Chambers Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute 104 Julius L. Chambers BBRI
Kendra C Cardwell, Pre Award Assistant Director 530-7756
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs 304A Hubbard-Totton Building
Monica Warner, Post Award Assistant Director 530-5588
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs 304K Hubbard-Totton Building
Sean Kimbro, Director 530-7016 kkimbro@nccu.edu
Cardio-Medibolic Program 124 Julius L. Chambers BBRI
Kendra Cardwell, Assistant Director 530-7756 kcardwell@nccu.edu
Office of Sponsored Research and Programs 304 Hubbard-Totton Building
Camilla Felton 530-7002 cfelton@nccu.edu
Research Operations Manager 006 Julius L. Chambers BBRI
Kizzy C Brown 530-7022 kcbrown@nccu.edu
University Program Specialist William Jones Building
Derek Norford 530-7023 dnorford@nccu.edu
University Veterinarian 005 Julius L. Chambers BBRI
Micheler Richardson, Director 530-6421 mrrichardson@nccu.edu
Cancer Research 220 Julius L. Chambers BBRI
Randal Childs 530-5264 rchilds@nccu.edu
Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor 309 Hubbard-Totton Building

Student Affairs

Angela A. Coleman, Vice Chancellor 530-6023 angela.coleman@nccu.edu
Student Affairs 234 Student Services Building
Jovany Felix, Associate Vice Chancellor 530-5198 jfelix@nccu.edu
Student Affairs 221 Student Services Building
Joy Harfield, Assistant Vice Chancellor and Dean 530-7466 jhartfield@nccu.edu
Student Affairs  
LaMarcus D. Howard, Assistant Vice Chancellor for Health and Wellness 530-7514 lamarcus.howard@nccu.edu
Student Affairs 232 Student Services Building
James B Leach, Associate Director 530-5466 jleach@nccu.edu
Campus Recreation and Wellness Leroy T. Walker Physical Education Complex
Marquita Johnson 530-7848 mjjohnson@nccu.edu
Business Manager 224 Student Services Building
Charnequa Kennedy, Director 530-5294 ckenne15@nccu.edu
Counseling Services 209 Student Health Building
Jennifer Williams, Executive Director 530-6811 jwill341@nccu.edu
Women’s Center 2203 Student Center
William L. Clemm, II , Assistant Vice Chancellor of 530-5548 wclemm@nccu.edu
Student Engagement  226 Student Services Building
Vacant, Director 530-5058 
Student Support Services 120 Student Services Building
Jeremi Cheeks, Director 530-7298 jcheeks3@nccu.edu
Residential Life G-06 Student Services Building
Georgia L. Sawyer, Director 530-6736 gsawyer@nccu.edu
New Student Services G-36 Alfonso Elder Student Union
Heather Davis, Director 530-5548 hdavis30@nccu.edu
Student Engagement and Leadership 2116 Student Center
Kent Williams, Assistant Director 530-7068 kwill122@nccu.edu
Student Engagement and Leadership 2115 Student Center
Leah Jansen 530-7452 ljansen@nccu.edu
Executive Assistant to the Vice Chancellor 236 Student Services Building

Office of Undergraduate Admissions

Michael A. Bailey, Executive Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Transfer Services 530-6298 mabailey@nccu.edu
3312 Nursing Building
Corey S. Edmonds, Assistant Director 530-6094 cedmon12@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions Latham Parking Deck
De’Janel Henry, Interim Associate Director 530-6093 dhenry30@nccu.edu
Transfer Services 106 Lee Biology Building
Camilla Ross, Administrative Manager 530-6298 cross@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions 3310 Nursing Building
Chance Thweatt, Communications Specialist 530-6909 cthweat1@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions 3301 Nursing Building
Ashley Campbell, Admissions Counselor 530-6097 acampb55@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions Latham Parking Deck
Imani Mosley, Admissions Counselor 530-6092 imosley3@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions Latham Parking Deck
Juanita W. Dunn, Administrative Support Associate 530-6298 jdunn21@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions McDougald House
Jacquelyn Floyd, Administrative Support Supervisor 530-5219 jfloyd22@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions 3312 Nursing Building
Arnissa Harris, Administrative Support Specialist 530-6298 aharris@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions 3301 Nursing Building
Zharia Harris, Administrative Support Specialist 530-6298 zharris9@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions 3312 Nursing Building
Angelia McKoy, Administrative Support Associate 530-6091 amckoy5@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions  
Tonya Moses, Administrative Support Specialist V 530-6298 tmoses@nccu.edu
Undergraduate Admissions 3307 Nursing Building

History of the University of North Carolina

In North Carolina, all public educational institutions that grant baccalaureate degrees are part
of the University of North Carolina.  North Carolina Central is one of the 16 constituent
institutions of the multi-campus university.
The University of North Carolina, chartered by the N. C. General Assembly in 1789, was the
first public university in the United States to open its doors and the only one to graduate
students in the eighteenth century.  The first class was admitted in Chapel Hill in 1795.  For the
next 136 years, the only campus of the University of North Carolina was at Chapel Hill.
In 1877, the N. C. General Assembly began sponsoring additional institutions of higher
education, diverse in origin and purpose.  Five were historically black institutions, and another
was founded to educate American Indians.  Several were created to prepare teachers for the
public schools.  Others had a technological emphasis.  One was a training school for performing
artists.  In 1931, the N. C. General Assembly redefined the University of North Carolina to
include three state-sponsored institutions: the campus at Chapel Hill (now the University
of North Carolina at Chapel Hill), North Carolina State College (now North Carolina State
University at Raleigh), and Woman’s College (now the University of North Carolina at
Greensboro).  The new multi-campus University operated with one board of trustees and one
president.  By 1969, three additional campuses had joined the University through legislative
action: the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, the University of North Carolina at
Asheville, and the University of North Carolina at Wilmington.
By 1971, the General Assembly passed legislation bringing into the University of North Carolina
the state’s ten remaining public senior institutions, each of which had until then been legally
separate:  Appalachian State University, East Carolina University, Elizabeth City State
University, Fayetteville State University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State
University, North Carolina Central University, the North Carolina School of the Arts, Pembroke
State University, Western Carolina University, and Winston-Salem State University.  This action
created the current 16-campus University.  (In 1985, the North Carolina School of Science and
Mathematics, a residential high school for gifted students, was declared an affiliated school of
the University; and in 1996, Pembroke State University was renamed The University of North
Carolina at Pembroke through legislative action.)
The UNC Board of Governors is the policy-making body legally charged with “the general
determination, control, supervision, management, and governance of all affairs of the
constituent institutions.”  It elects the president, who is the chief executive officer of the
University.  The 32 voting members of the Board of Governors are elected by the General
Assembly for four-year terms.  Former board chairmen and board members who are former
governors of North Carolina may continue to serve for limited periods as non-voting members
Emeriti.  The president of the UNC Association of Student Governments, or that student’s
designee, is also a non-voting member.
Each of the seventeen constituent institutions is headed by a chancellor, who is chosen by the
Board of Governors on the president’s nomination and is responsible to the president.  Each
institution has a board of trustees, consisting of eight members elected by the Board of
Governors, four appointed by the governor, and the president of the student body, who serves
ex-officio.  (The NC School of the Arts has two additional ex-officio members.)  Each board of
trustees holds extensive powers over academic and other operations of its institutions on
delegation from the Board of Governors.

North Carolina Central University Mission Statement

North Carolina Central University, with a strong tradition of teaching, research, and service,
prepares students to become global leaders and practitioners who transform communities.
Through a nationally recognized law school, highly acclaimed and innovative programs in visual
and performing arts, sciences, business, humanities, and education programs, NCCU students
are engaged problem solvers. Located in the Research Triangle, the University advances
research in the biotechnological, biomedical, informational, computational, behavioral, social,
and health sciences. Our students enhance the quality of life of citizens and the economic
development of North Carolina, the nation, and the world.

Academic Standing and Accreditation

North Carolina Central University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and
Schools Commission on Colleges to award baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.
Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 3003-4097 or
call 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of North Carolina Central University.
Specialized accreditation and/or certification in the following areas contribute to the
University’s goal of ensuring academic rigor and integrity in all degree programs.  The following
is a list of accredited and certified academic programs and their respective accrediting


                Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business


                American Chemical Society

Communication Disorders (College of Health and Sciences)

                Council on Academic Accreditation in Speech-Language Pathology

Counseling (School of Education)

                Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs

Dietetics (Department of Human Sciences) 

                Commission on Accreditation for Dietetics Education


                Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

                North Carolina Department of Public Instruction

Environmental, Earth and Geospatial Sciences

                National Environmental Health Science & Protection Accreditation Council

Geography and Earth Sciences (Department of Environmental, Earth, and Geospatial Sciences)

                University Consortium for Geographic Information Science

Hospitality and Tourism Administration (School of Business)

                Accreditation Commission for Programs in Hospitality Administration


                American Association of Law Schools

                American Bar Association

Library and Information Sciences

                American Library Association


                North Carolina Board of Nursing

                Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing


Parks and Recreation Management (Department of Physical Education and Recreation)

                National Recreation and Park Association /American Association for Physical Activity

                and Recreation

Social Work

                Council on Social Work Education


                National Association of Schools of Theater


In the School of Education, programs approved by the North Carolina Department of Public
Instruction include Elementary Education (K-6); Middle Grades Education in Language Arts,
Math, Science, and Social Studies; Communication Disorders; Career Counseling;  Mental
Health Counseling;  School Counseling; Secondary Grades Education in English, Mathematics,
Comprehensive Science, and Comprehensive Social Studies;  Special Subjects (K-12) in Art,
Dance, Music, Theater Arts,  Physical Education, French, and Spanish; Educational
Technology;  School Administration;  and Special Education in General Special Education,
Visual Impairments, Learning Disabilities and Emotional/Behavioral Disabilities.

History and Background

North Carolina Central University, a state-supported liberal arts institution, was chartered in
1909 as a private institution and opened to students on July 10, 1910. It was founded by Dr.
James E. Shepard. From the beginning, when it was known as the National Religious Training
School and Chautauqua, its purpose has been the development in young men and women of
that fine character and sound academic training requisite for real service to the nation. To this
end, the training of all students has been entrusted to the most capable teachers available.
The institution’s early years were characterized by a wealth of enthusiasm and high endeavor,
but not of money. Private donations and student fees constituted the total financial support of
the school, and the heavy burden of collecting funds rested on the President.

In 1915 the school was sold and reorganized, then becoming the National Training School.

During this period of its history, Mrs. Russell Sage of New York was a generous benefactor of
the school. In 1923, the General Assembly of North Carolina appropriated funds for the
purchase and maintenance of the school; thus, in that year, it became a publicly supported
institution and was renamed Durham State Normal School. Two years later, the General
Assembly converted the institution into the North Carolina College for Negroes, dedicating it to
the offering of liberal arts education and the preparation of teachers and principals of
secondary schools.
At its 1927 session, the General Assembly began a program of expansion of the college plan
to conform to the needs of an enlarged academic program. The interest of the Honorable Angus
W. McLean, then Governor of North Carolina, and his belief in the institution, aided greatly in
the promotion of this program. State appropriations were supplemented by a generous gift
from B.N. Duke and by contributions from citizens of Durham in 1929. The 1930s afforded
federal grants and state appropriations for a new program of physical expansion
and improvement of educational facilities, a program that continued until the beginning of World
War II.
The College was accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools as
an “A” class institution in 1937 and was admitted to membership in that association in 1957.
The General Assembly of 1939 authorized the establishment of graduate work in liberal arts
and the professions. Pursuant thereto, graduate courses in the arts and sciences were first
offered in that same year. The School of Law began operation in 1940, and the School of
Library Science was established in 1941.
In 1947 the General Assembly changed the name of the institution to North Carolina College at
On October 6, 1947, Dr. Shepard, founder and President of the college, died. The Board of
Trustees appointed an interim committee consisting of Dr. Albert E. Manley, Dean of the
College of Arts and Sciences; Miss Ruth G. Rush, Dean of Women; and Dr. Albert L. Turner,
Dean of the School of Law, to administer the affairs of the institution until the election of the
second president.
On January 20, 1948, Dr. Alfonso Elder was elected President of the institution. At the time of
his election, Dr. Elder was serving as the head of the Graduate Department of Education and
had formerly been Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. Dr. Elder retired September
1, 1963.
Dr. Samuel P. Massie was elected as the third President of the College on August 9, 1963. Dr.
Massie came to the institution from Washington, D. C., where he was Associate Program
Director for Undergraduate Science Education at the National Science Foundation, and
Professor and Chairman of the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry at Howard University.
He resigned on February 1, 1966.
The Board of Trustees appointed an interim committee consisting of Mr. William Jones, Business
Manager; Dr. Helen G. Edmonds, Graduate Dean; and Dr. William H. Brown, Professor of
Education, to administer the affairs of the institution until the fourth president took office.
On July 20, 1966, Dr. Albert N. Whiting was named fourth President of the institution. He came
to North Carolina College from Baltimore, Maryland, where he had been Dean of the Faculty at
Morgan State College. Dr. Whiting served as President and Chancellor from July 1, 1967, until
his retirement June 30, 1983.
In 1969, the General Assembly changed the name of the institution to North Carolina Central
University. On July 1, 1972, North Carolina Central University became a constituent institution
of the University of North Carolina. On July 1, 1983, Dr. LeRoy T. Walker became interim
Chancellor of the University. He had served the institution as Chairman of the Department of
Physical Education and Recreation, Head Track Coach and Vice Chancellor for University
Relations. At their February 1986 meeting, the University of North Carolina Board of Governors,
at the request of the University’s Board of Trustees, decreed that Dr. Walker was Chancellor of
the University rather than Interim Chancellor and made that action retroactive to the
beginning of his term.
Dr. Tyronza R. Richmond, formerly Dean of the School of Business, succeeded Dr. Walker as
Chancellor on July 1, 1986. Prior to his arrival at North Carolina Central University, Dr. Richmond
was Associate Dean and Professor at the School of Business and Public Administration at
Howard University.
In December 1991, Dr. Richmond resigned as Chancellor to return to the classroom and was
succeeded on January 1, 1992, by Dr. Donna J. Benson as Interim Chancellor. Dr. Benson was
succeeded in January 1993 by Attorney Julius L. Chambers, former director of the National
Association for the Advancement of Colored People Legal Defense Fund.
Mr. Chambers led the University for over eight years, stepping down on June 1, 2001. At that
time, Dr. James H. Ammons, Jr., became the ninth chief administrator of North Carolina Central
University. Prior to his election, Dr. Ammons was the Provost and Vice President at Florida A
& M University in Tallahassee, Florida.
Dr. Charlie Nelms became the tenth chief administrator of North Carolina Central University in
August of 2007. He came with a “Destination Graduation” slogan. Prior to joining North Carolina
Central University, Dr. Nelms served as Vice President for Institutional Development and
Student Affairs for the Indiana University System.

The Faculty

North Carolina Central University seeks to attract and maintain an outstanding faculty of
individuals who are capable of contributing to the enrichment of its educational and research
programs.  The University’s faculty members come from all sections of the United States as
well as from several foreign countries, bringing to the campus a rich diversity of training and
In addition to the primary responsibility of instruction, faculty members actively engage in
research and other creative pursuits.  Research interests are widespread among the various
disciplines and the faculty eagerly compete to bring grants to the University.  Much of this
research result in books, scholarly papers, and presentations at professional conferences,
bringing acclaim both to the individual faculty members and to the University.  Faculty
members are also encouraged to participate in the activities of the community at large as well
as the University community.  Many participate in government, business, educational, artistic,
and other endeavors that enrich the Durham community.

The Campus

North Carolina Central University is located in the eastern section of North Carolina’s Piedmont,
within the world-famous Research Triangle. The city of Durham, with a population of 218,179
is a part of a larger standard metropolitan area with 1,401,331 people. The city is sufficiently
large to afford to students the advantages of contacts with urban institutions. The University
draws on the cultural resources of the city, state, and nation in furthering the development of
its students; it also encourages students who participate in worthwhile activities of the
The University is located in a community and region in which noteworthy efforts are evolving
to utilize all available resources to the end of creating better environments for human
development. Basic changes are taking place in the sociology and technology of the region.
The University seeks to assist students to understand these changing situations so that as
future community leaders they may participate in guiding the dynamics of American society
toward desirable goals.


Sixty-two buildings of modern and modified Georgian brick construction are now located
on North Carolina Central University’s 106-acre campus. All academic buildings, as well as the
cafeterias and the student union, are completely air-conditioned.
The buildings are functional as well as aesthetically pleasing and have been designed
especially to meet the needs of the students and teachers who use them. They are also
designed with the fact in mind that in a state-supported institution the people of the State
are ever welcome visitors and resource persons who can make significant contributions to the
overall development of the institution. Lounges, seminar rooms, auditoriums, and numerous
utility services for the residents and visiting public are features of all the buildings.
Attractively landscaped lawns and the geometrically arranged walks and roadways blend with
the natural scenery of the foliage and trees to provide the kind of beauty that the University
traditionally has regarded as one of the essentials of educational experiences.
The Dr. James E. Shepard Administration Building Administration Building, with its statute of the
school’s founder, Dr. James E. Shepard, in front, is a focal point of the campus. The
institution’s administrative offices as well as registration services, cashier, and the student
accounting offices are located in this building. The William Jones Building, which is next to
Hoey, is the former home of the School of Law and now serves as home to the Office Of
Institutional Advancement, and Career Services.
The newly renovated Alexander-Dunn Building, contains the administrative offices of the
University College.  Services provided include Academic Advising, Academic Support,
Developmental and Supplemental Learning/Reading Instruction, and Title III Retention and
Academic Strategies to ensure student success.
The B.N. Duke Auditorium, also next to Hoey, seats 875 persons for theatrical and musical
performances as well as other assemblies. It was named after a generous benefactor of the
Facing the Fayetteville Street side of the campus are the Lee Biology Building and
the Robinson Science Building.
The Mary M. Townes Science Complex at Concord and Lawson Streets now serves as home for
the Biology, Chemistry, Environmental, Earth and Geospatial Sciences, Mathematics and
Computer Science and Physics departments. These departments make up the College of
Science and Technology.
The Helen G. Edmonds Classroom Building houses classrooms and seminar rooms for the
departments of History, Political Science, Sociology, and Social Work.
The School of Business is housed in the recently renovated Willis Commerce Building. This
building contains the most up-to-date classroom and seminar facilities as well as the School’s
own computing center available for use by its faculty and students and the University as a
The Taylor Education Building contains the Department of Psychology, the Institute for
Minority Issues, Graduate Studies Office, office space, classrooms for the Human Sciences
Department, and swing space for offices displaced because of renovations.
The Human Sciences Department is housed in the Dent Building, which contains classroom
and laboratories for clothing and textiles, food and nutrition, family relations and child
development, family resource management and housing, and interior design. In addition, a
biochemistry and a child development laboratory for children ages 3-5 occupy sections of the
Dent Building.
The Miller-Morgan Health Sciences Building offers modern classrooms, clinical and laboratory
space for the departments of Nursing, Health Education, and ROTC. This building contains
lounges for students and faculty, a learning resources center, and an auditorium that seats
300 and is used extensively for community and University functions.
The Criminal Justice Department and the Public Administration Program are located in the
Albert N. Whiting Criminal Justice Building, which was completed in 1984 and named after a
former chancellor. This building offers up-to-date classrooms, seminar rooms, and laboratory
facilities that include crime and computer labs. The building also contains a library used by
these disciplines.
The newly renovated Turner Law Building, facing the Alston Avenue side of the campus,
houses the School of Law. The four-story building contains offices for student activities
including the Law Journal, the Legal Clinic, and other student activities, as well as classroom
space. The Law Library is also in the building and provides a comfortable environment for
study and research.
The Leroy T. Walker Physical Education and Recreation Complex, named for a former
chancellor, contains 102,000 square feet of offices, classrooms, sports facilities, and
laboratories. The Center is actually four structures joined together by enclosed stairs and
walkways. These structures include an aquatics building that houses a 50-meter, Olympic-size
swimming pool; an administration building that also contains classrooms, faculty offices,
locker rooms, and a student center; a gymnasium building that includes dance studios,
training and weight rooms, dressing and storage rooms, offices, two teaching theaters, and
practice areas for archery, riflery, and golf; and a gymnastics building that includes a
gymnasium designed for gymnastics and eight handball courts.
The Alfonso Elder Student Union, named for a former president of the University, contains
student government offices, lounges for students, meeting rooms, a snack bar and cafeteria,
a game room, barber shop, and the campus book store. Facilities are available for receptions,
concerts, and other public functions. The Fine Arts Building houses art studios and
classrooms. The adjoining C. Ruth Edwards Building is the home of the Department of Music
and includes practice studios and classrooms for music. The Edwards Music Building also
contains rehearsal space for the band and a small concert auditorium. Connected to this
building is the University’s Art Museum.
The Farrison-Newton Communications Building contains the departments of English and Mass
Communication, Modern Foreign Languages, and Theatre. In addition to classrooms,
laboratories, and seminar space, the WNCU radio station is also located in the building. The
Communications Building also houses a modern 250-seat theatre in which the University’s
acclaimed dramatic productions are presented.
One of the University’s newest buildings is the Biomedical/Biotechnology Research Institute.
The 3,800-square-foot facility contains 12 research laboratories, teleconferencing
capabilities, an auditorium, classrooms, and state-of-the-art telecommunications technology.
The building’s construction was completed in 1998.
Chidley North Residence Hall, opened in August 2011.  This facility houses 517 students.  The
building is LEED GOLD certified. There are eleven other residence hall on the campus , all of
which are coed.
The H.M. Michaux Building is a 103,000-square-foot modern equipped building that was ready
for occupancy in Fall 2000. The new School of Education is a state-of-the-art
telecommunications technology facility, and adds an additional 100 parking spaces. This
facility houses the School of Education; Information Technology, (The Early College High
School is currently housed in the Robinson Science Building); Office of Research, Evaluation,
and Planning; the University’s Academic Computing Center; and the Extended Studies
The Biomanufacturing Research Institute and Technology Enterprise Building (BRITE) houses
the Pharmaceutical Science Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs. It contains state-of-
the-art scientific, technological, and research equipment used in the biomanufacturing and
technology industries. It was opened for classes in Fall 2006.
Benjamin Ruffin Residence Hall was opened in 2007. Located off Fayetteville Street, it
overlooks the University Circle and Hoey Administration Building. The newest of all residence
halls, Ruffin Hall accommodates 344 students.
Martha  Street Apartments are located off Lincoln  and Cecil Streets.  Designed for graduate
students, these apartments contain 32 units.
The renovation of the W.G. Pearson Cafeteria added two new conference rooms, the
Chancellor’s dining room, a faculty dining room, a banquet hall, and a spacious open dining
area for students with choices of six different cuisines.

Library Facilities

The mission of the libraries at North Carolina Central University is to provide resources and
services, which support the University’s educational research, cultural and public service
The James E. Shepard Memorial Library, with an estimated cost of $900,000, opened
November 1951. It provided open shelves, an excellent reference collection, and current
books and periodicals for every field of study offered by the college. The seating capacity of
the new library was approximately 500 students.
Early in 1974, construction began on a three-story addition to the library. This added
approximately 50,000 square feet to the building and cost over $2,400,000. The library moved
into the new addition during December 1975 and January 1976.
Before an additional library renovation could begin, mold removal and asbestos abatement at
the library needed to occur. Partitions were erected on the first and second floors, sealing off
the annex section of the building. In September and October 2004, mold was removed from
three floors’ worth of circulating books, bound journals and historical theses (approximately
600,000 volumes). In November, all collection materials from the annex were moved to an off-
site storage facility near Durham Technical Community College. Asbestos abatement was
completed in December.
In January 2005, Shepard Library’s renovation was underway and completed in 2007.  As the
end of Shepard Library’s renovation neared, preparations were made to move off-site
materials back into the building.  Space on the ground floor that had previously been devoted
entirely to the circulating book collection was now seriously diminished because of the
creation of the Mega Lab, a new area for the Reserve department, some staff offices, and a
large student study area. The Mega Lab is maintained and staffed by the Information
Technology Services Department. The library’s expanded Treasure Room and University
Archives moved into what had formerly been the Government Documents department. Most of
the documents collection moved into the space vacated by the CMC, with some highly-used
items located to the Reference department. All departments initiated major weeding projects
at the off-site facility, pulling duplicates and little-circulated items as well as closed
subscriptions or outdated journal titles.  Shepard Library staff moved into their renovated
office space at the end of the spring 2007 semester. A student group study area was created
on the second floor and the area vacated by the Teleconference Center’s return to the third
floor was turned into the library’s first Electronic Classroom. Twenty-four computers and
state-of-the art projection screens created a home base for the library’s Information Literacy
Library resources at North Carolina Central University are located in the James E. Shepard
Memorial Library, the Music Library, the Library in the School of Library and Information
Sciences, the Library of the School of Law, and the Curriculum Materials Center Library
located in the Michaux School of Education.  These libraries contain a total of over 850,000
volumes.  They subscribe to a total of 6,165 periodicals.  Access to these collections is
provided by an integrated online catalog and circulation system.
In 1994, NCCU became a member of the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN).  TRLN is
a cooperative comprised of libraries at Duke University, NCCU, UNC at Chapel Hill, and NC
State University, with combined collections of over 10 million volumes.
NCCU students can borrow directly from any of the TRLN institutions by presenting a valid
NCCU student ID card.  Borrowing privileges at TRLN libraries are extended to faculty, staff,
and administrators who present a current University ID card.  Additional library resources are
available at the remaining thirteen institutions in the UNC System, which graduate students
and faculty have direct borrowing privileges.  Electronic access to these collections is
provided via Search TRLN and UNC Express, which are integrated online catalogs.
The James E. Shepard Memorial Library contains 498,000 volumes and 140,200 federal and
state government documents.  Microform and an extensive inventory of full-text electronic
databases are among the library’s non-print resources.  Some of the electronic databases can
be accessed off-campus by students and faculty.  An outstanding collection of books and
pamphlets on African American life and culture is found in the Treasure Room.
Textbooks, curriculum guides, and non-print items in the field of education, are housed in the
Curriculum Materials Center (CMC).  Audiovisual materials are also part of the CMC collection.
Word processing and Internet access are available on library computers for student use.
The Music Library, located on the third floor of the Edwards Music Building, contains an
excellent collection of instrumental and vocal music, orchestral scores, and records, in
addition to a carefully selected collection of books in the field of music.  The Music Library is
a branch of the Shepard Library.
The School of Library and Information Sciences (SLIS) is located on the third floor of the
James E. Shepard Memorial Library. The SLIS Library, which is a part of the School of Library
and Information Sciences, houses an outstanding collection of current materials and
equipment to support the academic programs in Library Science and Information Systems.
The Law Library has over 400,000 volumes and volume equivalents for your research needs.
We also participate in the Triangle Research Libraries Network (TRLN), which gives our
students and faculty access to the holdings of the other academic research libraries in the
Research Triangle. We subscribe to electronic resources like LexisNexis, Westlaw, Fastcase,
Loislaw, BNA and HeinOnline. Students, faculty and staff can access most of our electronic
resources from their homes anytime using the University’s Virtual Private Network! Using these
resources is not as simple as “Googling,” so our librarians provide training to ensure you have
meaningful access to the many legal research databases we offer.
The Law Library provides two stories of space for individual and collaborative study.Our
reading room, a product of the 2005 law school renovation, is light-filled and boasts both soft
seating for momentary study breaks, and beautiful shaker-styled seating for intense study.
The library’s second floor contains eight state-of-the-art study rooms available for collective
study and study carrels that are unassigned and available to all students. Our students have
access to the library’s space 100 hours per week.

Institutional Advancement

The Office of Institutional Advancement (IA) is charged with communicating the University’s
mission, vision and goals to the public for the purpose of cultivating widespread financial
support.  In turn, private funds raised by Institutional Advancement help to ensure the
University’s excellence in higher education.  These contributions are put to use as soon as
possible to provide support for need- and merit-based student scholarships, research,
fellowships, professorships, new programs and opportunities for students, and special events
that would not exist except for the work of Institutional Advancement.
According to the University’s funding priorities, professional gift officers assigned to Major
Gifts, Planned Giving, Corporate and Foundation Relations and Annual Giving, plan and
implement fund-raising initiatives that identify prospective donors, engage them and cultivate
giving.  The officers look for opportunities to connect potential donors with particular campus
programs or initiatives that coincide with the donors’ interests and philanthropic goals.  Our
donor base of support includes faculty and staff, alumni, parents, friends, corporations and foundations.
Once the gift is received, the Advancement Services unit is responsible for acknowledging
donations, providing tax receipts, preparing and distributing reports and assisting donors
face-to-face, on the phone and online.  These staff manage a database of 70,000
constituent records.
Alumni Relations is the unit of IA that serves to foster the relationship between 30,000 NCCU
alumni and their alma mater.  Alumni Relations encourages alumni to serve as ambassadors
who will promote the university to prospective students and work to enhance the positive
public perception of NCCU in their varied communities.   Alumni Relations staff develop,
coordinate and promote programs to keep alumni informed about and involved in campus life.
They plan and implement special events, especially including Homecoming, to help alumni
maintain their connection to their academic home.
The Office of Public Relations is part of Institutional Advancement and has a responsibility to
university employees, students and alumni to enhance the image of the institution and to
keep the public informed about NCCU’s staff, students, programs and activities.  The Office is
also responsible for final review and sign-off on the content and design of all university
publications for external audiences.  It is solely responsible for disseminating information to
the news media or to hold news conferences on behalf of the university, particularly including
crisis communications.  Except for crisis communications, the Office delegates all public
relations services for the Division of Athletics to the Office of Sports Information.
NCCU Foundation, Inc.
The NCCU Foundation, a 501(c) 3 organization works in close collaboration with Institutional
Advancement and it is housed in IA’s offices.  The Foundation receives the donations on
behalf of the university and oversees the investment and financial accounting of donor funds.
The Foundation has a Board of Directors with the executive director reporting to the
president of the Foundation Board who interacts daily with the vice chancellor for
Institutional Advancement.

University Career Services

The mission of the  Career Services is to facilitate and ensure growth, expansion, and
awareness of each student’s career development process through interactive programs,
technological initiatives, effective career assessments, and employment opportunities.  Career
Services is dedicated to helping students hone career and professional development skills
needed  to stay employable in the current job market. The Office serves students from
freshman year through graduation and beyond; whether it’s selecting the right major,
exploring career options, looking for part-time job or internship, or preparing for an interview.
Mentoring and coaching from alumni and corporate partners also facilitate career and major
decisions.  Online services are available and allows students, alumni  and employers  to
access information through the Eagle Career Network, nccucareerservices@nccu.edu.
Numerous representatives from Fortune 500 and other companies throughout the United
States visit Career Services each year to conduct employment interviews with prospective
candidates.  Many graduate and professional schools visit or contact the Career Services
are seeking candidates for graduate study in areas such as business, law, medicine, social
science, and the humanities.
Part-time job resources, on-campus student employment, internships, and cooperative
education opportunities are available through an extensive “experiential learning program” to
assist students with obtaining valuable work experience before graduation.  Experiential
opportunities are available in the governmental, private, and public sectors.  Some of these
include serving as White House and Washington Center interns, working in the United States
Congressional Offices or working in a major corporation such as GlaxoSmithKline, SAS,
Environmental Protection Agency, and PNC Bank.
Also, Career Services programming provides a variety of professional and developmental
workshops on topics such as resume writing, interviewing, job search training, and
experiential education.  Brochures, pamphlets, magazines, graduate school catalogs, company
annual reports, videos, and other career related materials are available for students, faculty,
and alumni to browse in the Career Center and online.  Appointments may be scheduled or a
counselor may see students on a walk-in basis at anytime.

Office of Community Engagement and Service

Mission Statement

The Office of Community Engagement and Service (OCES), formerly Academic Community
Service Learning Program (ACSLP), contributes to the preparation of local, state, national,
and international leadership through public and community service opportunities and service-
based intellectual inquiry and research.  The OCES provides a setting for the convergence of
service and scholarship for NCCU students, faculty, staff, and alumni.  The OCES serves as a
clearinghouse for all community service activities at NCCU.


The OCES provides outstanding service learning and community engaged service activities for
NCCU students, faculty, and staff.  The OCES facilitates and supports excellence in
innovative teaching, learning, and research through the intersection of intellectual theory and
community-based practice across the academic spectrum.

The Program

The Office of Community Engagement and Service was opened at North Carolina Central
University in October, 1993.  North Carolina Central University was one of the first institutions
in NC as well as one of the first HBCUs in the United States to establish a formal presence for
the integration of community service and service learning within the academic setting.
 Students at NCCU utilize the community service and service-learning programs organized
through the OCES to gain valuable leadership and intellectual inquiry skills and to link
academic theory to “real world” issues.
The OCES program has been a pioneer in Higher Education in expanding the classroom setting
to include service to community.  The University encourages all undergraduates to embrace
the critical thinking, leadership, and interpersonal skills, and research training developed
through service to the community.
The program is structured to support student, faculty, and staff involvement in direct
community service learning activities either combined with a formal departmental course or
through “service activities” sponsored by the OCES program, academic departments, colleges
and schools and through Student Affairs.  The OCES program also registers more than 100
local non-profits and agencies as official community service partners.
The University requires all full time, transfer, and re-admitted undergraduate students to
earn 15 hours of community service for each academic semester while attending
NCCU until the completion of their academic requirement for graduation.
The OCES integrates service with the academic mission of NCCU in the following ways:
Campus and Community Partner Symposium:  This forum will be offered annually to
assist campus and community organizations to better understand the link between inquiry and
practice.  The symposium provides a training and communication forum for campus and
community organizations who partner to provide academic service learning activities.
Annual Service Recognition Reception:  This event formally recognizes and showcases
student, faculty, staff, and community for community-engaged and community-based service

Benefits of Community Service and Service-Learning

There are numerous benefits of the community engagement, including, but not limited to the
  • Students develop leadership skills and a sense of civic and social responsibility
  • Students learn reflective and analytical skills through service.
  • The Faculty is supported in providing high quality service learning courses to
      undergraduate students.
  • The Faculty is resourced in demonstrating the link between theory and community
  • Both Campus and Community partners collaborate to develop and strengthen sustainable

How Do I Earn Community Service Hours?

Community-Engaged Service

More than 100 campus and community partners are registered with the OCES office.  The
OCES has service descriptions of volunteer service opportunities in almost every academic
field and in most interest areas.  Students earn one hour of community service credit for each
hour served in a community setting to count toward the university service requirement.  Al
l partners provide service opportunities through the portal, Get Connected that is utilized by
NCCU students to record approved service credits.

Service Learning

The OCES works with every school, college, and academic department on campus to register
service learning courses.  If students are enrolled in a service learning course in any academic
department, you can receive community service credit with successful completion of the
courses.  Credit earned during the course is based on the number of hours the professor has
listed on the syllabus.  All service learning courses and community service credits are tracked
through the portal, Get Connected, that is used by NCCU students to record approved service

Selected Campus-wide Service Events

Selected campus-wide Service Events are sponsored each semester to encourage the entire
campus community to engage in the University’s commitment to service.  Each year a service
theme is selected and at least one campus-wide event is held each semester.  These events
provide up to 10 hours of community service credit.
Schools, colleges, and academic departments can also request to sponsor campus-wide
service events.  For the events vetted and registered with the OCES staff, students can
receive up to 10 hours credit for participation.

OCES and Research

We encourage faculty and students to develop service-learning research projects that
combine critical inquiry with civic engagement.  Each year, the OCES will sponsor a workshop
to assist faculty and students to consider utilizing civic engagement/action research
methods.  Civic Engagement research is an excellent tool for upper level courses, completing
independent assignments, and for faculty to utilize in research.
Utilizing Civic Engagement/action research meets university goals and enhances university-
community collaboration.

Commonly Asked Questions About Community Service/Service Learning

What activities constitute acceptable Community Service? Community Service is conducted
when students are engaged in the following activities:
  • Students are placed in a community-based public or private organization through the
  • OCES program.  The placement will involve approved sites selected by the OCES to
      provide NCCU students with optimal opportunities to link theory with practice.  All service
      organizations must be registered with OCES.
  • Students participate in service events hosted either by academic departments, OCES or
      student organizations.  All service events must be registered with the OCES.
  • Students participate in approved service-learning courses such as (practicum, clinical,
      non-paid internship, field experience) or other courses that combine theory with practical
      volunteer hours served in the community.  All hours served in the community must be
      volunteered.  All service-learning courses must be registered with the OCES.

Who is exempt from Community Service?

Students who have graduated from NCCU after completion of a four-year degree and are
returning for a second degree are exempt from the service requirement. All current students
that have 100% of their courses online are exempt.

Student Veterans, Military Reserve and National Guard

Community Service Requirement

Student Veterans

Enrolled NCCU students who are veterans and have completed military active duty with an
honorable discharge will earn 60 hours of service credit towards their required hours of
community service.  To qualify for this credit, the student must present their military form
DD-214 showing the discharge status to the Veterans Resource Center (VRC).  The VRC staff
will provide the qualifying students to the Office of Community Engagement and Service.

National Guard and Military Reserve

Enrolled NCCU students who are current members of the Military Reserve or National Guard will
earn 60 hours of service credit towards their required hours of community service.  The
qualification for this credit is based upon completion of basic training, job training, and a
minimum of one year cycle (one weekend per month and two-weeks per year assignments),
and the student must present their enlistment contract and military form DD-214 to the
Veterans Resource Center (VRC).  The VRC staff will provide the qualifying students to the
Office of Community Engagement and Service.

Active Duty

Enrolled NCCU students who are called to active duty must present a copy of their military
orders to the Veterans Resource Center (VRC) and the University Registrar.  These students
will earn 60 hours of service credit towards the required hours of community service.  The
VRC staff will provide the qualifying students to the Office of Community Engagement and Service.

Why are we required to complete community service?

NCCU’s motto is “Truth and Service”.  Dr. James Shepard, NCCU’s founder thought that
service was an essential element of a college education.  In today’s competitive world, the
character, commitment, and sense of purpose developed through community service provide
NCCU students a clear and consistent advantage.

What will happen if I fail to complete community service?

Students will be required to meet with the OCES Student Service Advisor to develop a service
action plan until the service requirement is completed.  Continued deficits in service will
jeopardize the student’s participation in the graduation ceremony and release of university


Transportation is provided to placement sites within a 5-mile driving distance from campus.
Transportation services depend upon the availability of resources.

Other Resources Available Through ACSLP

America Reads Program

America Reads Program is a national literacy effort seeking to involve college students as
volunteer tutors.  NCCU students serve in the local elementary schools in the community
surrounding the university to help young children improve reading skills.
America Reads has a federal work-study funded component whereby students can earn work-
study funding while participating in this community service activity.  Students must complete
an application with OCES to become eligible for the America Reads program.
America Reads Coordinators, selected by OCES to participate as members of a state/national
service program, NC Literacy Corps, lead the program.  As coordinators of the program,
students will earn an education award with the successful completion of the program’s
service requirement.

Certified Internship Program

The Office of Career Service and Outreach coordinates the unpaid internship programs at
NCCU.  The office has initiated the Certified Internship Program (CIP) that offers the
opportunity for students to enhance their knowledge and experiences learned through their
non-paid experiential learning experiences.  CIP is open to students in all majors and
departments, currently enrolled at NCCU, who meet the eligibility requirements.  Students
earn a professional development certificate that certifies that they have completed the
program and are awarded community service hours through the Office of Community
Engagement and Service based on the number of total hours worked.  That allows flexibility
for students to identify an internship opportunity that best suits their goals and objectives.

Focus on Sustaining

The OCES has initiated a “Sophomore Community Engagement Experience” initiative to help
sustain sophomore students at the university and to continue their connection between
community service/service learning and college retention.  This experience will enhance
sophomore student’s development with five expected learning outcomes.  Each learning
outcome is undergirded by a City Year facilitated workshop that helps reinforce the theme
and ethos of each outcome.  The initiative will provide leadership skills and opportunity for a
“glocal” global immersion experience.

Gap Year Experience

The OCES has partnered with a national service program, City Year, to provide a service
opportunity during the gap year, post-graduation.  City Year is working to bridge the gap in
high-poverty communities between the support the students in the communities actually
need and what their schools are designed to provide.  In doing so, our students will help to
increase graduation rates across the country, and making an impact in the lives of the
students we serve.  This opportunity provides training and service opportunities for students
to serve at one of the national locations and earn an education award with the successful
completion of the program’s service.