Sep 27, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Course Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Course Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

  • FREN 4110 - Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)

    Prerequisites: FREN 3080  or permission of Department. Integration of the formal aspects of language within the context of written expression. Diverse written assignments.

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  • FREN 4200 - Oral and Written Expression II (3)

    Prerequisites: FREN 3100  or permission of Department. Intensive practice in the spoken and written language. Emphasis on new vocabulary and idioms through reports, discussions, and performance.

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  • FREN 4210 - Survey of French Lit (3)

    Prerequisites: FREN 2200  or permission of Department. A panoramic view of the development of French literature from the Middle Ages to the end of the 18th century. Conducted in French.

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  • FREN 4220 - Survey of Francophone Literature (3)

    Prerequisites: FREN 2200  or permission of Department. A panoramic view of the development of Francophone literature in the 19th and 20th centuries. Conducted in French.

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  • FREN 4230 - Special Topics (3)

    Prerequisites: FREN 2300 , FREN 3110  or permission of Department. Focused study on a topic or theme related to Francophone literature and/or culture, such as tradition versus modernity in French-speaking Africa and the New World, cultural assimilation versus the search for and affirmation of cultural identity, literature of political revolt, etc. May be taken two times for credit each time.

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  • FREN 4300 - French Literature of the Seventeenth Century (3)

    A comprehensive study of the classical period in French literature, its origins, manifestations, and influences. Conducted in French.

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  • FREN 4400 - French Literature of the Eighteenth Century (3)

    A study of the growth and development of liberalism and the idea of progress in literature during the Age of Reason, Montesquieu, Voltaire, Rousseau, and the Encyclopedists. Conducted in French.

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  • FREN 4420 - French Literature of the Nineteenth Century (3)

    A study of the major authors and literary trends in prose and poetry: Romanticism, Realism, Naturalism, Parnassianism, Symbolism, and the precursors of Surrealism. Conducted in French.

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  • FREN 4500 - French Literature of the Twentieth Century (3)

    A comprehensive study of major authors and ideas from 1920 to the present. Emphasis on Proust, Gide, Mairaux, Camus, and Sartre. Conducted in French.

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  • FREN 4550 - Black African and Caribbean Literature in French (3)

    Study of the themes and the styles of 20th-century black writers from countries such as Guadeloupe, Martinique, Haiti, Senegal, and the Ivory Coast through selected poems, essays, contes, and novels. Conducted in French.

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  • FREN 4600 - Techniques in Translation I (3)

    Techniques of translation studied through comparative language patterns. Two-way translation using various types of written prose is emphasized, and oral translation of the spoken language is introduced.

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  • FREN 4610 - Techniques in Translation II (3)

    Techniques of translation studied through comparative language patterns. Two-way translation using various types of written prose is emphasized, and oral translation of the spoken language is introduced.

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  • FREN 4900 - Independent Study (3)

    Prerequisite: Permission of the Department. Individual work under the direction of a faculty member who reviews and approves the topic of study and determines the means of evaluation. May be taken two times for credit each time.

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  • FREN 5000 - French: A Reading Knowledge (0)

    Prerequisites: Permission of the Department. Designed to assist graduate students in preparing for the foreign language examination. Successful completion of course fulfills the graduate foreign language requirement.

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  • GEOG 1000 - Introduction to Geography (3)

    An introduction to the study of geography as spatial analysis. It includes an examination of geographic themes and concepts, characteristics of selected countries and the relationships of natural environments, cultural backgrounds, economic conditions, and world problems.

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  • GEOG 1100 - World Regional Geography (3)

    A general survey of the cultural, physical, economic, and political developments in various regions of the world. An analytical study of the resource bases of the nations and the utilization of the resources of people in all parts of the world will be a primary concern.

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  • GEOG 1320 - Map Reading and Interpretation (3)

    An introductory-level course that emphasizes a basic understanding of maps and how they are used as a means of communication. Students complete a series of exercises focusing on the reading, analysis, and interpretation of various types of maps. No background in college geography and/or artistic experience is required.

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  • GEOG 2000 - Cultural Geography of Afro-America (3)

    An investigation of the spatial characteristics of African-American culture in the Americas. It reveals through individual research, reports, projects, and discussions the role played by African Americans in the transformation of the physical and cultural earth.

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  • GEOG 2010 - Online Weather (3)

    An introduction to applications and techniques employed in the study of atmospheric weather phenomenon.  This is a meteorology course that uses real time data offered from the federal governmental data sources via the Internet in partnership with college and university faculty.  It also provides students with a comprehensive study of the principles of meteorology while providing classroom and laboratory applications focused on the current weather situations.

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  • GEOG 2020 - Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (3)

    An introductory course targeting non-geography majors who would like to understand how GIS can be applied to their field of study without being required to master all the intricacies of the geospatial analysis. The intent is to provide a foundation in the geospatial techniques and tools increasingly employed in multidisciplinary work environments.

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  • GEOG 2100 - Physical Geography (3)

    An introductory-level course focused on Earth’s dynamic systems that control the physical environment and thus influence plant, animal, and human life. This course offers systems approach to understanding global environment with special emphasis on global climate. During laboratory hours students study interaction between Earth’s spheres (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere) by analyzing data. (Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week)

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  • GEOG 2120 - Geology (3)

    An introduction of salient topics and principles of geology with the emphasis on plate tectonics, Earth’s materials and rock cycle, and interior of the Earth. Geologic history of North Carolina and its rocks and minerals are also studied. During the laboratory hours students work with topographic and geologic maps, mineral and rock samples, and seismic and volcano-monitoring records. (Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week)

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  • GEOG 2130 - Advanced Physical Geography (3)

    Prerequisites: GEOG 2100 . An analysis of the interior and exterior forces of the earth with major emphasis on weathering agents and mass wasting. Advanced research in geomorphology is presented along with field research experiences. The use and operation of laboratory and field instruments are of major importance. (Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week)

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  • GEOG 2220 - Economic Geography (3)

    A study of the global economy through spatial analysis. The geographical distribution and production of raw materials are examined. Attention is given to the impact of economic activities on the environment.

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  • GEOG 2300 - Introduction to Uncrewed Aircraft Systems (3)

    The uncrewed aircraft system (UAS) industry is growing at an exponential rate and there are many employment opportunities becoming available from a piloting UAS to building UAS to processing UAS imagery. In this course students will be introduced to the history, aircraft, flight properties, regulations, and applications of UAS. After taking this course students will understand the advent of UAS and will have information needed to prepare for the FAA Part 107 exam including basic aviation weather, UAS ethics, Part 107 rules and regulations, and aeronautical map reading. There are no formal prerequisites for this course.

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  • GEOG 2350 - Earth Science (3)

    This course is an introductory survey of earth sciences with the emphasis on the basic topics and principles of geology, oceanography, hydrology, and astronomy. Attention is given to the discussion of natural hazards such as landslides, floods, and earthquakes. During laboratory hours students conduct in depth investigation of sustainability of water resources on global and regional scales. (Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week)

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  • GEOG 2600 - Geography of North Carolina (3)

    A study of the human and physical geography of North Carolina. Particular emphasis is placed on physiographic regions in terms of resources and natural environment.

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  • GEOG 3110 - Political Geography (3)

    An analysis of the organization and distribution of political phenomena in their areal expression. Emphasis is placed on the concept of geopolitics as it relates to power, strategy, and international relationships among the sovereign countries. Some consideration is given to the distribution of local and state political systems of North Carolina.

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  • GEOG 3120 - Geography of North America (3)

    A survey of the major geographic regions of North America, an analysis of the economic activities in their relations to the natural environment, and a study of the interactions of selected variables over space.

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  • GEOG 3220 - Geography of South America (3)

    An analysis of the natural setting, the distribution of the people, the important occupations, and the problems of future development in each of the several regions of Hispanic America.

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  • GEOG 3300 - Climatology (3)

    An analysis of weather and climatic elements with a strong emphasis on energy budget systems and climate regimes of the world. Consideration is given to understanding the variation of climates from region to region and the reciprocal relationship between climates and other primary elements of the natural environment. Particular emphasis is placed on instrumentation and interpretation of weather maps during the laboratory sessions. (Two lecture and two laboratory hours per week)

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  • GEOG 3320 - Cartography (4)

    An introductory course on the nature and use of maps, the construction of map projections and their uses, and the preparation and use of maps for various types of analysis. (Two lecture and four laboratory hours per week)

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  • GEOG 3400 - Geography of the West Indies and Environs (3)

    A study of the cultural geography of the West Indies. However, Mexico, Central America, the Bahamas, the islands adjacent to Mexico and Central America, and the Dutch islands of Aruba, and Curacao are also given considerable attention.

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  • GEOG 3420 - Aerial Photo Interpretation (3)

    An examination of the numerous skills necessary to interpret aerial photos as related to the field of geography. It covers the art and science of recognizing natural and cultural features, subtle as well as obvious, on the earth’s surface.

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  • GEOG 3430 - Principles of Remote Sensing (3)

    An analysis of remotely sensed environmental data. The principal topics will include data collection, instrumentation, processing, and analysis of digitized information obtained from Landsat and varied platform mounted sensors. Applications in remote sensing will include crop inventory, forest cover mapping, water resources, geology, and other land resource topics. (Departmental permission required)

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  • GEOG 3435 - Geographic Information Systems (3)

    A survey of the use of geographic information systems (GIS) to analyze spatially oriented data. Geographic information systems provide a means to integrate selected layers of spatial data into a composite for visual display or analytic modeling.

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  • GEOG 3500 - Population Geography (3)

    An analysis of the spatial patterns of population size, density, distribution, and composition. It also examines the causes and consequences that the population explosion has had upon the total cultural landscape for selected developed and underdeveloped countries.

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  • GEOG 3510 - Urban Public Transportation Systems (3)

    Analysis of transportation networks in populated regions is presented in a clear and technical manner. Principles reviewed in this class are used by the local, regional, and national transportation agencies. Students develop marketable skills directly transferable to the workforce.

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  • GEOG 3600 - Geography of Hip-Hop (3)

    The Geography of Hip-Hop will present the history of hip-hop while exploring the various geographic elements pertaining to its worldwide impact and examine the major economic, social and cultural spatial variations that exist within the industry and lifestyle.

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  • GEOG 3700 - Uncrewed Aircraft Systems Field Operations, Applications, and Careers (3)

    This course explores UAS applications and field operations including flight training with multi-rotor and fixed-wing UAS, crew resource management, applications of UAS, and career opportunities. This course will provide hands-on experience flying various types of UAS while being introduced to UAS mission planning, flight properties, sensor characteristics, environmental conditions, UAS limitations, and career opportunities.

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  • GEOG 4010 - Applied Geographic Information Systems (3)

    Prerequisites: GEOG 3435 . This is an advanced class where working knowledge of GIS and GIS software is required. Advance GIS concepts (such as data storage, analyses, and model building) will be covered. Students are required to be familiar with basic concepts (map scale, projections, shapefiles, spatial operations, and vector and raster data). As this is an applied course, the focal point of this class is a term project.

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  • GEOG 4020 - Computer Cartography (3)

    Prerequisites: GEOG 3320 . A review of the use of computer hardware and software in cartography. Special attention is focused on the digitizing, plotting, and pattern generation of selected data bases which are utilized in the spatial analysis of geographic problems.

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  • GEOG 4030 - Geohazards Analysis with GIS (3)

    Prerequisites: GEOG 2020  or GEOG 3435 , and GEOG 2100  or GEOG 2120  or GEOG 2350 . Study of earth systems concepts and processes, causes of natural disasters, and basics of risk assessment. Laboratory sessions will permit students to analyze real data using GIS applications to evaluate risk, make assessments and recommendations, and test their newly acquired knowledge. It is designed to benefit earth science upperclassmen and graduate students as well as other majors that are interested in geohazards.

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  • GEOG 4110 - Quantitative Techniques in Geography (3)

    An introduction to the research process in solving problems in geography through statistical methods. Emphasis is placed on basic techniques used in collecting, analyzing, and presenting research data in the field of geography. Students will be exposed to research tools used in the behavioral and natural sciences.

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  • GEOG 4130 - Geospatial Statistics (3)

    Prerequisites: GEOG 2020 , GEOG 3435  or equivalent. Geospatial statistics provides methods and techniques that permit investigators to create models of spatial phenomena by creating surfaces that can be visualized and analyzed to aid in the interpretation of cultural and environmental interaction. Exploratory spatial data analysis, structural analysis of surface properties of nearby locations, and surface prediction and assessment of modeling results will be covered in this course.

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  • GEOG 4220 - Conservation of Natural Resources (3)

    A study of the conservation of soil, water, wildlife, forest, mineral, and energy resources in the United States and North Carolina. Emphasis is placed on practices employed to assess and conserve natural resources. Attention is given to human impacts on the environment associated with the use of natural resources. The approach is through the interaction between people, power, production, and pollution in places.

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  • GEOG 4230 - Minerals, Energy and Environment (3)

    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing or higher. A study of the accessibility of mineral and energy resources to population centers. The impacts of extracting and using mineral and energy resources on natural environments are examined. Conservation methods and planning strategies are analyzed. Particular attention is given to non-traditional energy sources as a means of pollution abatement.

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  • GEOG 4310 - Geography of Africa (3)

    A survey of geographical facts and common myths associated with African history and development. Strong emphasis is placed on climates, physiographic, natural resources, and social conditions in Africa. Occasionally, a comparative analysis is made between North America and Africa. Selected countries are discussed in detail.

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  • GEOG 4320 - Seminar in Cartographic Research (3)

    Prerequisites: GEOG 3320 . An investigation and application of specific topics in cartography. Some of the topics include map projections, mental mapping, generalization in large- and small-scale maps, computer graphics, three-dimensional mapping, and military mapping systems.

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  • GEOG 4500 - Social Geography (3)

    An analysis of the spatial and social processes that act in concert to bring about present-day social structures. In addition, this course will attempt to shed light on many of the social ills of the spatial and social environment.

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  • GEOG 4600 - Urban Geography (3)

    A study of the city as a geographic unit. Emphasis is placed on urban functions and structure with particular reference to the growth, arrangement, and planning of commercial, industrial, and residential districts.

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  • GEOG 4840 - Geography of Asia (3)

    A survey of the physical and human geography of China, Japan, Russia, southeast Asia, South Asia, and Southwest Asia (Mideast). Emphasis is placed on population patterns, agricultural organizations and production, natural resource bases, industrial development, and the political relationships between nation-states.

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  • GEOG 4900 - Seminar in Geography (3)

    Prerequisites: Junior or senior standing or permission of the department. Research tools on specific geographical topics will be emphasized. Students are required to make reports on recent developments in geography.

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  • GEOG 4920 - Theory and Methodology (3)

    A survey of the history of the discipline of geography and the wide-ranging themes that define geography today. Major topics include: the development of geography American education, themes and traditions in the geosciences, human-environment relationships, regions, spatial interaction and mapping, location theory, geospatial data analysis, geospatial research methods, and field techniques.

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  • GEOG 4950 - Field Mapping (3)

    Designed to expose upper-level DEEGS students to practical skills and techniques necessary to be successful in today’s competitive workforce and graduate school.  Students will engage in geography field research using GIS as the primary tool to address a problem that students will encounter in their further professional and/or academic careers.  Students will complete a semester long project in which they must produce a map from scratch using a variety of data development and analysis techniques learned in this class and its prerequisites.

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  • GEOG 4980 - Independent Study (3)

    Prerequisites: Departmental approval. An advanced course designed to help students gain depth in selected areas of geography. This is achieved by giving students the opportunity to become familiar with geographical literature, to read selected topics independently, and to give oral and written reports on his or her readings. The courses will involve the principles of research and scientific analysis.

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  • GEOG 4990 - Independent Study (3)

    Prerequisites: Departmental approval. An advanced course designed to help students gain depth in selected areas of geography. This is achieved by giving students the opportunity to become familiar with geographical literature, to read selected topics independently, and to give oral and written reports on his or her readings. The courses will involve the principles of research and scientific analysis.

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  • GERM 1191 - Elementary German I (3)

    An introduction to the basics of the German language.  This course provides an introduction to the language and cultures of the German-speaking world.  Students develop basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary to communicate about self, family and daily life, as well as basic survival needs.  Students also explore cultural and subcultural aspects of the German-speaking world.

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  • GERM 1192 - Elementary German II (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 1191  or the equivalent. Students expand knowledge of grammar and syntax and continue to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary to communicate about self, family, and daily life, as well as abstract concepts such as feelings and emotions.  Exposure to cultural and subcultural aspects of the German-speaking world is expanded.  This course will prepare students for intermediate-level German courses and satisfies the NCCU Foreign Language Requirement.

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  • GERM 2010 - Masterpieces of German Literature in English Translation (3)

    A survey of the masterpieces of German literature in English translation. Includes text and cinematic materials. Conducted in English.

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  • GERM 2101 - Applied German (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 1192  or the equivalent. Extension and application of skills to materials individualized to match students’ major fields of study. Preliminary study of requisite grammar and resource tools leads to an individualized examination of authentic texts from business, the natural sciences, the social sciences, the arts, or humanities. Also open to graduate students seeking practical refresher course. Successful completion of the course fulfills the graduate foreign language requirement. Conducted in German.

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  • GERM 2102 - Conversational German (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 1192  or the equivalent. A continuation of the development of the five basic language skills with an emphasis on listening comprehension and speaking. Continued vocabulary building; use of authentic spoken and visual materials as starting points for extended verbal interchange on topics of personal expression and use in daily life. Conducted in German.

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  • GERM 2103 - Grammar and Composition (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 1192  or the equivalent. A continuation of the development of the five basic language skills with an emphasis on writing for specific purposes. Continued vocabulary building; review, extension, and application of structural and grammatical elements into connected writing. Conducted in German.

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  • GERM 2104 - Introduction to German Civilization (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 1192  or the equivalent. A survey of the major political, economic, social, and artistic developments in Germany from tribal beginnings to 1945. Major topics include Norse mythology and pre- Christian values, church and state conflict, Gothic and Baroque styles, the Reformation, industrialization, and the rise of nationalism. Readings, discussion, and some composition in German.

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  • GERM 2105 - Introduction to German Literature (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 1192  or the equivalent. A guided reading of samples and excerpts from literary texts illustrating the broad variety, periods, and movements in German literature. Introduces general definitions, concepts, and modes of approach to literary study. Readings, discussion, and some composition in German.

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  • GERM 2106 - Contemporary Germany (3)

    An investigation of Post-War Germany designed to provide students from any field with an understanding of the dynamics of modern day Germany. Topics range from the Nazi legacy and consequences of the war to the economic miracle, the political division and reunification, the status of women, the educational system, artistic developments, religious life, daily customs and attitudes, the persistence of racism, and Germany in the new world order. Conducted in English.

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  • GERM 3080 - Syntax and Composition (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 2103  or the equivalent. Progressive development of writing skills. Stress on fundamental, functional grammatical, syntactical, and lexical concepts. Integration of writing and other skills.

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  • GERM 3100 - Oral and Written Expression I (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 2102  or Permission of Department. Practical speaking and listening development. Emphasis on broadened vocabulary, use of idioms, and communication strategies in both connected spoken and written expression. Conducted in German.

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  • GERM 4110 - Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 2103  or permission of Department. Integration of the formal aspects of language within the context of written expression. Diverse writing assignments.

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  • GERM 4210 - Survey of German Literature (3)

    Prerequisites: GERM 2105  or permission of Department. A survey of the types, periods, and major movements of German literature. Readings, discussion, and composition in German.

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  • GERM 4900 - Independent Study (3)

    Prerequisites: Permission of Department. Individual work under the direction of a faculty member who reviews and approves the topic of study and determines the means of evaluation. May be taken two times for credit each time.

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  • HADM 1000 - Introduction to Hospitality Management (3)

    A survey of the hotel, restaurant, and tourism industries; their history, problems, general operating procedures, management functions, service excellence, and business protocol. Executives from the hospitality industry sectors will be featured. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 1200 - Introduction to Travel and Tourism (3)

    This course provides a basic understanding of domestic and international trends in travel and tourism to include: the terminology, demographics, historical, economic, social-cultural, and environmental trends related to tourism management and sustainable development. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 2100 - Hospitality Lodging Management (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000   An overview of the functions and operations of departments in various lodging facilities to include front office operations and guest services, housekeeping, accounting systems, and night audit. Personnel issues and regulations related to the provision of quality services will be examined and analyzed. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3040 - Event Planning and Management (3)

    This course provides students with the concepts and logistics of event planning and management. The course entails: marketing, planning costing, executing, and evaluating of events. Students are required to complete and or assist with a major event. Must pass Event Certification to receive credit.  All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3050 - Introduction to Gaming (3)

    This course explores the history of the gaming industry and functions of casinos in relation to lodging facilities, restaurants, and resorts. This course also provides an overview of legal, social, and economical issues throughout the United States and abroad. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3060 - Eco and Cultural Tourism (3)

    This course is a study of purposeful travel and tourism natural habitats to create an understanding of the cultural and natural history pertaining to the environment. The course emphasizes not altering the ecosystem while producing economic benefits to local people and governments that encourage the preservation of the inherent resources of the environments locally and elsewhere. Heritage and cultural tourism sites in North Carolina will be explored. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3070 - Resort and Recreational Management (3)

    This course provides a comprehensive approach to the operations of resort and recreational properties to include: the historical aspects, planning, financial investment management, and marketing that deals with the unique nature of the business. The course also addresses the future and impact of condominiums, vacation clubs, technological changes, and the increased cost of energy and transportation status. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3100 - Cost Control for Hospitality Operations (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000 ,  HADM 2100  , ACCT 2400   This course will focus on the principles of food, beverage, and labor cost controls with emphasis on cost and sales concepts, cost/volume/profit relationship, food purchasing control, labor scheduling, food receiving controls, food sales, production controls, procurement, beverage controls, variance analysis, and establishing performance standards. This is a certification course by the National Restaurant Association. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3410 - Convention and Event Management (3)

    This course introduces organization, arrangement, and operation of conventions, trade shows, professional meetings, and food functions. Emphasis is placed on the methods of marketing, selling, and servicing conventions and trade shows, and the division of administrative responsibilities in their operation. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3500 - Food Production and Service Management (3)

    Prerequisites:  HADM 3100  and ServSafe Certification The course will focus on food service systems, including menu management, purchasing, and production applied to an operating environment. Laboratory includes demonstration of basic food production techniques, culinary, and management principles. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. (One-hour lecture and three hours laboratory)

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  • HADM 3700 - Hospitality Leadership (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000    This course focuses on leadership theory and application. It gives insight in the phenomena of leadership and integrates recent research and applications on subjects impacting the hospitality and tourism industry. Packed with interesting examples of real world leadership, the student will develop an understanding of theory while acquiring the necessary skills and insights to become effective leaders. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3750 - Hospitality Facilities Management (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000    This course introduces students to concept of design, branding, basic engineering and building codes, in relation to hospitality facilities. Students are also introduced to concepts and strategies for securing financial resources. Students are required to complete a facilities design project encompassing design, site appraisal, market research, and budgetary concerns. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 3800 - Hospitality Human Resources Management (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000  . The study of organizational behavior, selection and placement of personnel, supervision, performance appraisal, wage and salary administration, unionism, employee motivation, communication, and training pertaining to the establishment of an effective employee relations program. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4010 - Entrepreneurship in Hospitality and Tourism (3)

    This course introduces students to the basic principles of entrepreneurship and franchising opportunities in the hospitality and tourism industry. Emphasis will be on selecting a franchise or development of a start-up business. Various franchised hospitality businesses will be analyzed for marketing effectiveness and financial performance. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4200 - Hospitality Marketing (3)

    Prerequisites: ECON 2100  .All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. An overview of service marketing as applied to the hospitality industry, including but not limited to: unique attributes of service marketing, consumer orientation, understanding consumers and consumer behavior, market segmentation principles, target marketing, product planning, promotion planning, market research, and competitor analysis. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4300 - Hospitality Law and Ethics (2)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000  or Junior Status. A study of the laws and ethical considerations applicable to the operation of lodging, food service, travel and tourism, and recreation/entertainment enterprises. Emphasis is placed on federal and state regulations, historical and current practices, safety and security, risk management, loss prevention, torts, and contracts. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4400 - Hospitality Financial Management (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 1000  and ACCT 2400  . This course addresses the generation and analysis of quantitative information for planning, control, and decision making in hospitality enterprises. Financial reports will be examined as tools for analyzing past performance, future projects, and day-to-day decision-making. All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4500 - Advance Food Production and Service Management (3)

    Prerequisites:  HADM 3500   This course is a continuation of HADM 3500 - Food Production and Service Management (3) . Practical experience is provided in food purchasing and preparation of large quantities of food. Emphasis is placed on major menu categories, food equipment, luncheon-style restaurant service, sanitation, and maintenance. ( One hour lecture 3 hours laboratory) (One hour lecture 3 hours laboratory) Summary of Changes.  All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better. (One hour lecture, 3 hours laboratory)

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  • HADM 4600 - Advance Hospitality Management (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 4200  ,HADM 4400    A capstone course focusing on the application of strategic management, managerial, leadership, and operational concepts. Students work in groups to engage in problem solving while building their teamwork skills. A seminar is presented as the final product.(Senior status and permission of the instructor.) All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

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  • HADM 4800 - Senior Living Management Capstone (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 3800 HADM 4200 HADM 4400 HADM 3700 , or HRM 3510  , FCSC 3300    This course provides a survey of the senior living communities,with special issues in finance, marketing, law, operation and risk management/safety. The course examines the histories, problems, general operating procedures, and management functions consistent with the senior community management. Throughout the semester,special attention will be given to Continuing Care Retirement Communities in which residents enter living independently, and are assured continued residency through later life stages that might require assisted care and skill nursing. Executives from the local continuing care communities will be featured. This course will integrate further their hospitality education as it applies in senior living community.  All prerequisite courses must be completed with a grade of “C” or better.

    Click here for the Fall 2024 Class Schedule

  • HADM 4850 - Senior Living Management Capstone (3)

    Prerequisites: HADM 3800  ,HEDU 4200  ,HADM 4400  ,HADM 4200  ,HADM 3700  or HRM 3510  FCSC 3300   This course provides a survey of the senior living communities, with special issues in finance, marketing, law, operation and risk management/safety. The course examines the histories, problems, general operating procedures, and management functions consistent with the senior community management. Throughout the semester, special attention will be given to Continuing Care Retirement Communities in which residents enter living independently, and are assured continued residency through later life stages that might require assisted care and skill nursing. Executives from the local continuing care communities will be featured. This course will integrate further their hospitality education as it applies in senior living community. 

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