Sep 27, 2024  
University Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 
University Undergraduate Catalog 2018-2019 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Social Work



  • SOCI 2000 - Global Societies and Human Behavior (3)

    The study of global societies and cultural organization with emphasis on diversity in human behavior. The course includes a cross-cultural focus on families, economies, governments, values, beliefs, attitudes, and customs. (Laboratory work required).

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  • SOCI 2100 - Principles of Sociology (3)

    In this course students are introduced to the sociological imagination and invited to practice the sociologist’s craft. A basic theoretical and methodological foundation is provided so that students can begin to test sociological knowledge claims. Throughout the semester students will explore such issues as social structure, culture, socialization, deviance, stratification, the family, demographic processes, and social change.

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  • SOCI 2200 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This course introduces students to some of the major principles and concepts of cultural anthropology and ethnography. Topics covered will include the nature of culture, cultural change, ethnographic semantics, linguistic anthropology, culture and personality, non-industrial societies, marriage and family, and kinship. Students will also be introduced to several cross-cultural data sets.

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  • SOCI 2300 - Social Problems (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This course will provide an in-depth analysis of the social consequences of the economy and modern societal behavioral trends on the natural and social environment. Specific emphasis is placed on issues relating to environmental health, toxic waste and cleanup, social and natural disasters and hazards, and to the social, political, and economic responses to these concerns.

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  • SOCI 2400 - Social Psychology (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This course emphasizes an understanding of the important methods, terms, micro-theoretical perspectives, and findings in the field of social psychology. Social psychology is the scientific field that seeks to understand the nature and causes of individual behavior and thought in social situations.

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  • SOCI 2600 - African American Sociologists (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . W.E.B. Du Bois was a pioneer in the development of sociology in the United States. Other notable African American sociologists include Davis, Mays, Frazier, Himes, Billingsley, Anderson, and Wilson. Through studying their innovative work in sociology and the social sciences, students can examine the intersection of race, ethnicity, class, and gender in society, the neighborhood, and the workplace.

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  • SOCI 3000 - Introduction to Social Gerontology (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . An examination of the demographic effect of aging on the family, work, health, recreation, religious, education, economic, and political systems. This course will focus on the aging process, and aspects of health, economics, and social support that older persons encounter. This course also will examine international and cross-cultural trends of aging.

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  • SOCI 3200 - The Development of Sociological Theory (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . A systematic study of the major classical theorists. Emphasis is placed on the development of a conceptual framework basic to an understanding of sociological literature and research.

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  • SOCI 3210 - Social Differentiation and Inequality (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . A study of the distribution of power, wealth, and prestige within societies, and the social and cultural consequences of this distribution. The course examines from a global perspective why the categories of race, class, gender, ethnicity, and sexuality are socially constructed, maintained, and experienced.

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  • SOCI 3220 - American Minority Groups (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This course focuses on the number, size, initial contact with America, and social characteristics of major American minority groups. The emphasis is on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, and age as major sources of minority status. Emphasis is on the analysis of major problems of intergroup relations using techniques of small area demographic analysis.

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  • SOCI 3250 - Contemporary Sociological Theory (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 3200 . This course is a continuation of SOCI 3200  in which the theoretical works of 20th century sociologists are examined. Emphasis is placed on the continuation of the development of a conceptual framework basic to an understanding of sociological literature and research that was initiated in SOCI 3200 .

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  • SOCI 3300 - Criminology (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This cross-cultural study examines a wide range of criminological perspectives, while highlighting the influence of criminological thought on today’s crime-control policies. It also focuses on crime prevention, offender rehabilitation or treatment, and victim restoration. It addresses the issue of whether crime is a matter of individual responsibility or merely a form of social pathology.

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  • SOCI 3600 - Sociological Statistics (3)

    Prerequisites: MATH 1110 . A study of statistical concepts such as correlation, sampling, and probability. The student will learn to use statistics to test hypotheses using chi square, regression, and other techniques. (Computer lab work is required.)

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  • SOCI 3700 - Sociological Research (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 3600 . This course is an overview of the three primary sociological research techniques: qualitative, quantitative, and comparative historical methods. Particular emphasis will be placed on how sociological methods may be triangulated for greater depth of research on social phenomena. Students will be challenged to use such research techniques as sampling, developing questionnaires (including devising skip patterns), conducting interviews, use of SPSS, data set selection, collection, and analysis, and on dissemination of research findings. (Computer laboratory work is required.)

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  • SOCI 4040 - Sociology of Religion (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . Religion is a major social institution, an agent of social change and a mechanism of social control. While cross-cultural differences in religiosity will be explored, an analysis of the U.S. religious economy is also provided. Issues addressed over the semester include: major classical and contemporary sociological paradigms, congregational analysis, religiosity, religious socialization, the sociology of the Black Church, secularization, and ecological analysis.

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  • SOCI 4210 - Demography (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This course provides an introduction to major demographic concepts, processes, trends, and commonly used techniques on demographic analysis. The essential focus is on the United States, while also improving the students’ perception of global population trends and their interrelatedness.

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  • SOCI 4220 - Globalization, Business and Society (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This course examines the role of large-scale corporations and entrepreneurial enterprises in society experiencing globalization. The focus will be on the link between business organizations and other institutions within society as well as conditions within society that promotes vigorous economic growth and the well-being of the population.

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  • SOCI 4250 - Society and Law (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . A study of basic law as it pertains to selected issues and environmental situations met by persons working in applied social science fields. The course will prepare students to recognize and question possible violations of client/patient rights. Law will be studied as an available resource to aid clients/patients in the helping process. Students will engage in a service learning activity designed to address an identified local community issue using the information taught in this course.

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  • SOCI 4310 - Sociology of Complex Organizations (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . A study of the structure and dynamics of large-scale organization such as corporations, educational institutions, and governments. Stress will be placed on ecological, technological, and cultural forces that shape these organizations as well as their impact on society.

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  • SOCI 4320 - The Sociology of Urban Life (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . The majority of humans in the world now live in urban settings. This course examines the city in its global setting with a focus on the patterns of community development in the Durham region as an example of the economic, ecological, and behavioral consequences of globalization, population mobility, and density.

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  • SOCI 4330 - Collective Behavior and Social Movements (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . A study of potentially disruptive and nonofficial behaviors such as riots, panics, fads, rumors, protests, disasters, and social movements. These disruptive social phenomena will be described and analyzed from different theoretical perspectives that stress their ecological and cultural origins. Collective behavior’s local and global implications will also be examined.

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  • SOCI 4500 - The Sociology of Education (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . The course analyzes the roles education plays in a globalizing world. Employing different theoretical perspectives, it examines research on school’s role in moral, political, and economic socialization, and its role in social stratification through ascription as well as achievement. Emphasis will be on the school as an organization, education’s relation to other social institutions and the community, and the structure and dynamics of classrooms.

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  • SOCI 4520 - Medical Sociology (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . An examination of the relationship of socio-cultural factors in the nature, conception, and treatment of disease and illness; the institutionalization of the healing professions, and the impact of the doctor-patient relationship. The course also focuses on international examples of health care plans. This is a speaking intensive course. Speaking Intensive Course

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  • SOCI 4700 - Sociology Capstone Course (4)

    Prerequisites: Senior status and successful completion of SOCI 3200 ,  , SOCI 3600 , and SOCI 3700 . This is a capstone seminar course in which students will engage in learning activities to integrate the theory, research, and conceptual knowledge learned in Sociology courses. Students will work to produce final research projects that will be formally presented at the end of the semester.

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  • SOCI 4900 - Independent Study in Sociology (3)

    Prerequisites: SOCI 2100  or SOCI 2000 . This course is designed to encourage students to learn sociological ideas independently. A number of prescribed sociology textbooks are expected to be read and the contents mastered within a specified time period. Chairperson’s permission required.

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  • SPAN 1000 - Introduction to Contemporary Spanish Culture, Civilization, and Language (3)

    Designed for the non-major who wants to understand modern Spain and use a few practical expressions. The major emphasis is on cultural distinction and patterns of daily living in Spain. Taught in English.

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  • SPAN 1020 - Introduction to Contemporary Latin American Culture, Civilization, and Language (3)

    Designed for the non-major who wants to understand modem Latin America and to learn a few practical Spanish expressions. The major emphasis is on the cultural distinction and patterns of daily living in the Latin American republics. Taught in English.

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  • SPAN 1191 - Elementary Spanish I (3)

    An introduction to the basics of the Spanish language.  This course provides an introduction to the language and cultures of the Hispanic world.  Students develop basic listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary to communicate about self, family and daily life, as well as basic survival needs.  Students also explore cultural and subcultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world.

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  • SPAN 1192 - Elementary Spanish II (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 1191  or the equivalent. Students expand knowledge of grammar and syntax and continue to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills necessary to communicate about self, family, and daily life, as well as abstract concepts such as feelings and emotions.  Exposure to cultural and subcultural aspects of the Spanish-speaking world is expanded.  This course will prepare students for intermediate-level Spanish courses and satisfies the NCCU Foreign Language Requirement.

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  • SPAN 2010 - Masterpieces of Spanish Literature before 1898 in English Translation (3)

    A historical and critical study of selected masterpieces of Spanish literature in English translation. Designed to acquaint the student lacking Spanish reading skills with the literary resources of the language. No knowledge of Spanish needed.

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  • SPAN 2020 - Masterpieces of Spanish Literature after 1989 in English Translation (3)

    Representative works from contemporary Spanish literature studied in English translation. No knowledge of Spanish needed.

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  • SPAN 2100 - Intermediate Spanish I (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 1192  or equivalent. Development of skills in spoken and written Spanish with attention to fundamental structures. Includes listening to authentic language samples, readings of short journalistic and/or literary texts.

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  • SPAN 2110 - Spanish for Health Professions (3)

    Practical introduction to the vocabulary and situations encountered by doctors, nurses, and other health professionals. Emphasis on the skills of speaking and listening.

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  • SPAN 2120 - Technical and Commercial Spanish (3)

    Practical business vocabulary and terminology. Emphasis on everyday spoken and written Spanish. Reading and discussions of cultural differences affecting international relations.

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  • SPAN 2140 - Spanish for Law Enforcement (3)

    Practical introduction to vocabulary and situations encountered in the criminal justice system. Emphasis on the skills of speaking and listening.

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  • SPAN 2200 - Intermediate Spanish II (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2100  or equivalent. Development of skills in spoken and written Spanish with attention to fundamental structures. Includes listening to authentic language samples, readings of short journalistic and/or literary texts.

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  • SPAN 2300 - Introduction to Hispanic Literature (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or equivalent. Guided reading of literary texts illustrating a variety of genres, periods, and movements. Composition and discussion in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 3080 - Syntax and Composition (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or equivalent. Progressive development of writing skills. Stress on fundamental grammatical, syntactical, and lexical concepts. Integration of writing and other skills.

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  • SPAN 3100 - Oral and Written Expression I (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or permission of Department. Practical speaking and listening. Emphasis on broadened vocabulary, use of idioms, and communication strategies in both spoken and written expressions.

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  • SPAN 3110 - Spanish Culture and Civilization (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or permission of Department. A survey of Spanish culture. The development of Spanish history, thought, art, and literature is stressed. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 3120 - Latin American Culture and Civilization (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or permission of Department. A survey of Latin American culture. The development of Latin American history, thought, art, and literature is presented. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 3210 - Survey of Spanish Literature from Beginning to 1700 (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or permission of Department. Examines the main periods, trends, genres and most representative works of Spanish peninsular literature from its beginning to the end of the Golden Age. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 3220 - Survey of Spanish Literature Since 1700 (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or permission of Department. Examines the main periods, trends, genres, and most representative works of Spanish peninsular literature from the early 19th century to the Spanish post-Civil War period. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 3300 - Introduction to African-Hispanic Literature (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2200  or permission of Department. Study of the African element as an important theme in modern Spanish American literature in selected plays, poems, and stories by Hispanics of African ancestry. Given in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 4110 - Advanced Grammar and Composition (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 3080  or permission of Department. Integration of the formal aspects of language within the context of written expression. Diverse written assignments.

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  • SPAN 4200 - Oral and Written Expression II (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 3100  or permission of Department. Intensive practice in the spoken and written language. Emphasis on systematic study and use of new vocabulary through oral reports and class discussions based on contemporary life and topics of interest.

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  • SPAN 4210 - Survey of Latin-American Literature I (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2300  or permission of Department. A survey of writers and movements from the conquest to modernism. Includes works by Hispanics of African ancestry, indigenous, mestizo, and women writers. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 4220 - Survey of Latin-American Literature II (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2300  or permission of Department. Continuation of the survey from modernism to the contemporary period. Includes works by Hispanics of African ancestry, indigenous, mestizo, and women writers. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 4230 - Special Topics (3)

    Prerequisites: SPAN 2300 , SPAN 3110  or permission of Department. Focused study on a topic or theme related to Hispanic literature and/or culture, such as literature of the Mexican Revolution, Chicano literature, Feminist literature, etc. May be taken two times for credit each time.

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  • SPAN 4300 - Literature of the Golden Age I (3)

    A study of Cervantes and his period with analytical readings of Don Quixote and of selected Novelas Ejemplares. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 4320 - Literature of the Golden Age II (3)

    The development of the Spanish drama with critical readings of selected plays by Lope de Vega, Tirso de Molina, Calderon, Rojas Zorilla, and Alarcón. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 4510 - The Latin American Novel (3)

    A study of the development of the novelistic genre in Latin America with special emphasis of the novel of social protest. Conducted in Spanish.

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  • SPAN 4600 - Techniques of Translation I (3)

    Techniques of translation studied through comparative language patterns. Two-way translation using various types of written prose is emphasized and oral translation of the spoken language is introduced.

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  • SPAN 4610 - Techniques of Translation II (3)

    Techniques of translation studied through comparative language patterns. Two-way translation using various types of written prose is emphasized and oral translation of the spoken language is introduced.

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  • SPAN 4800 - Senior Seminar in Hispanic Studies (3)

    Advanced seminar treating a special topic in Hispanic literature and/or culture chosen by the instructor. May be designed around topics such as Women Writers, Literature of Revolution, Testimonial Literature, Postmodern Fiction, Magic Realism, the Fantastic, or Film. Required of majors.

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  • SPAN 4900 - Independent Study (3)

    Prerequisites: Permission of the Department. Individual work under the direction of a faculty member who reviews and approves the topic of study and determines the means of evaluation. May be taken two times for credit each time.

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  • SPAN 5000 - Spanish: A Reading Knowledge (0)

    Prerequisites: Permission of the Department. Designed to assist graduate students in preparing for the foreign language examination. Successful completion of the course fulfills the graduate foreign language requirement.

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