Mar 31, 2025  
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog 
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Undergraduate Admissions

General Requirements

North Carolina Central University is committed to providing equal educational opportunities and does not discriminate against applicants, students, or employees based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, age, or handicap. Moreover, NCCU is open to people of all races and actively seeks to promote racial integration by recruiting and enrolling a culturally and racially diverse student population.

NCCU accepts qualified high school graduates who have never attended college and those who have previously attended college. The Undergraduate Admissions Office serves as the point-of-entry for all undergraduate students,who wish to pursue a degree program or who wish to take courses for credit. Applications are reviewed and admissions decisions are made on a “rolling” basis throughout the year. In addition to leadership participation and community service activities, the admissions decision is based on an evaluation of the high school record and/or college record together with the results of standardized tests.

Each Undergraduate Admissions staff member strives to give each applicant the full attention deserved by responding as promptly as possible. Applicants can assist by submitting the information requested in a timely manner. All communications regarding application status and admissions related issues must be addressed to the Undergraduate Admissions Office.



The fall application deadline for freshmen is July 15.  For spring consideration, applications should be received by NOVEMBER 15.  Applications received after that date will be considered on a space available basis.  For priority consideration for fall admission, transfers should apply by JULY 15.  The final deadline for transfer applications and all credentials is AUGUST 1.  For the spring, transfers should submit all credentials by NOVEMBER 15.  International applicants must submit all documents by APRIL 1 for priority consideration for fall admission.  For priority consideration for spring admission, international applicants must submit all documents by SEPTEMBER 1.  Applicants must supply the following:

  • Completed Application with Residency information and a $50 non-refundable processing fee. (fee subject to change)
  • Official high school transcript sent from the institution.
  • Official results of the SAT I (the College Board code number for NCCU is 5495) or ACT (NCCU code number 3132) (freshmen only).
  • FAFSA Code is 002950.
  • Official transcripts of ALL college course work (if applicable) sent from the institution.
  • List of courses in progress.
  • International students should refer to to get additional information regarding the admissions process and documents required for admissions.
  • NCCU will only accept the College Board, NACAC or ACT fee waivers (available through your high school counselor) from freshmen applicants. Applicants must meet minimum academic criteria for consideration.
  • Supportive information such as essays and recommendations are welcomed. No faxed copies of required documents, please!

Students should give the application procedures their top consideration.

Admission to North Carolina Central University is NOT contingent upon eligibility of financial aid or housing, nor contingent on preferred class scheduling. However, students who are admitted early have the best opportunities for consideration of scholarships and financial aid, residence hall assignments, orientation, class registrations, and more. Students who prefer to apply online may do so at

Admissions | Freshman

Minimum standards for freshman admissions to

NCCU include the 1990 Minimum Admissions Requirements (MAR) and the 2006 Minimum Course Requirements (MCR), as determined by the Board of Governors for all sixteen campuses. Admission to undergraduate study at NCCU, as a freshman, is moderately selective for North Carolina residents and more selective for out-of-state residents. By State guidelines, no more than 18% of the freshman class may come from out-of-state. Applicants are considered individually and in accordance with the following criteria:

  • Evidence of MCR completion and academic achievement, with considerable facility in the use of the English language;
  • Complete record from an accredited secondary or preparatory high school with graduation based upon no fewer than 20 units;
  • Satisfactory class rank and required grade point average (GPA) established by General Administration’s and NCCU’s minimum admissions requirements (MAR) for in-state and out-of-state applicants;
  • Evidence of participation in scholastic, community and civic organizations including leadership participation; and
  • Submission of at least the minimum required standardized test score. The SAT I score, which includes the writing component, is preferred, but students may also submit their ACT score . Applicants’ submission of their ACT score  as a standardized test for admission into NCCU is also acceptable.

Note: Writing skills are keys to college success. Information received from the SAT or ACT writing component serves as a useful tool for placement and advising purposes. Consistent with most institutions nationally, NCCU will use applicants’ writing scores for advisement. In addition, the minimum course requirements (MCR) for NCCU and the University of North Carolina (UNC) system are the same, and high school graduates are eligible for consideration if they successfully complete the following:

  • In English, four course units emphasizing grammar, composition, and literature;
  • In Mathematics, four course units including Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, and a higher level mathematics course for which Algebra II is a prerequisite; Math 140 or higher is required for students taking high school math courses at NC community colleges. Note: Out-of-state students should consult the Admissions Office for more information;
  • In Science, three course units including one unit in a life or biological science, one unit in a physical science, and one unit in a laboratory science course;
  • In Social Studies, two course units, including one unit in United States History; and
  • At least two course units of one foreign language.

Please note the following:

  • It is recommended that prospective students take one mathematics course unit in the twelfth grade.
  • In order for students to receive credit for college courses (100 level course or higher) taken in high school, they should submit all official final college transcripts as soon as possible. 
  • Students who graduated from high school prior to 2006 should contact the Undergraduate Admissions Office to determine specific high school course requirements for admission.

Admissions | Transfer

When an individual transfers to NCCU from another institution, admissions to NCCU as an undergraduate is governed by the following general standards:

  • The transfer applicant must not presently be on probation at the last or current school of attendance. Also, the transfer applicant must not have been suspended or expelled from the last or current institution.
  • The transfer applicant has a cumulative average of at least a “C”  and be eligible to return to the present or last institution.
  • The transfer applicant has evidence of participating in scholastic, community and civic organizations including leadership participation.
  • The transfer applicant has attended another college or university, and has earned at least twenty-four (24) transferable semester hours. Note: If the transfer applicant has attended another college or university, but has earned less than twenty-four (24) semester hours of specific acceptable credit, the transfer applicant must meet all freshman requirements (i.e., both MAR and MCR).


Transfer applicants may be exempt from having to meet freshman requirements and from sending high school transcripts and/or standardized test scores if they fall in one of the following categories:

  • Category 1: Applicants who were awarded their high school diploma prior to 1988 or are at least twenty four (24) years old prior to the beginning of classes and has a cumulative average of at least a “C” in the institution from which they are transferring and is eligible to return to that institution.
  • Category 2: Applicants who have obtained either an associate of arts, an associate of science, an associate of fine arts, or a baccalaureate or higher level degree.
  • Category 3: Applicants who have completed a degree under an articulation agreement (i.e., community college).
  • Category 4: Applicants who have completed twenty-four (24) or more credit hours of college coursework.
  • Category 5: The applicant is under 24 years of age and has a high school diploma or GED and:
  1. Has the associate of arts, the associate of science, the associate of fine arts, the baccalaureate, or any higher level degree from an accredited institution.
  2. Has completed twenty-four (24) semester hours of transferrable college coursework from a regionally accredited institution.

Please note the following:

  • NCCU will not accept a transfer course with a grade lower than a “C.” Accepted courses are recorded on a student’s transcript; grades and grade points are not calculated.
  • NCCU does not accept transfer credit from challenge examinations or for course work where grades of Pass/Fail (P/F) have been given. The maximum number of transferable credits is (64) semester hours from a two-year college.

Credit For Advanced Standing (Advanced Placement/International Baccalaureate)

Credit for advanced standing will be awarded according to the following regulations:

  • The appropriate semester hours of credit will be awarded for all community college or university work in which the student has earned a grade of “C” or better, provided that the institution from which the credit is being transferred is accredited by its regional accrediting agency and/or its State Department of Education.
  • Credit for formal advanced placement programs (AP/IB) and credit by formal examination programs are awarded in accordance with the appropriate national norms established for such programs. These norms and standards are available in the undergraduate Admissions Office and the University Testing Center.
  • After matriculating at NCCU, a student may not pursue courses of any type at another institution without obtaining, in advance of registration for such courses, written permission from the dean of the school or college in which the student is registered at NCCU. Work taken without prior approval may not be accepted by NCCU.

Admissions | Visiting Students 

Visiting students are those who are not candidates for degree at the present time. This category includes 1) visiting students, and 2) persons who have not enrolled for one academic year and are ineligible for admissions as a transfer student. The University welcomes into this admission status persons who are pursuing degrees elsewhere or who desire to earn prerequisites for graduate work. Such students may register upon the presentation of a signed statement from the appropriate official of his/her institution or certifying agency specifically listing and approving the courses to be taken. Such enrollment does not constitute regular admission to the University.

  • To apply for this category of admissions, the applicant must submit the online and visiting student application for admission with the $50 application fee. Transcripts from all colleges and universities are required if the applicant plans to enter degree-seeking status at a later date.
  • Visiting students must submit a transient course study form from the home institution that has been approved by the department chairperson, academic dean, and the University Registrar.
  • All others must provide evidence of readiness to pursue the courses desired and a statement of objective and purpose related to the request for special student admission.
  • Visiting students may register for no more than twelve semester hours. After completing one semester of full-time study, or its equivalent, the unclassified student may petition the Office of Extended Studies to be admitted to the University as a regular degree seeking student on the basis of their academic accomplishments.

SPECIAL NOTE: Designation as visiting may affect eligibility for veterans’ benefits. Students expecting to apply for veterans’ benefits should contact the Registrar’s Office. Unclassified and special students are ineligible for financial aid. ADMISSION IN THIS CATEGORY DOES NOT


Admissions | International Students

North Carolina Central University welcomes international students. These students, in addition to meeting the regular freshman or transfer requirements, must submit the International Applicant Supplemental Form and present evidence of their proficiency of the English language and meet fully the financial obligations associated with their study at the University. Results of the TOEFL examination (Test of English as a Foreign Language) or SAT or ACT test scores, a financial responsibility statement, and proof of accident and hospital insurance must be submitted along with the application for admission. All materials for admission must be in the appropriate admissions office no later than three (3) months prior to the student’s planned enrollment. Applicants for admission who submit foreign transcripts must pay any costs associated with having those transcripts translated and/or evaluated before they can be admitted.

Admissions | Second Degree Undergraduates (Non-NCCU Graduates)

Students who already hold a baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution may apply to North Carolina Central University for a second baccalaureate degree by submitting an application for admission, a non-refundable $50.00 application fee and the transcript from the degree granting institution to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Applicants must also have official transcript(s) from any college coursework that was completed after completing the baccalaureate degree sent to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. See the catalog section, “DEGREE REQUIREMENTS,” for additional information on second baccalaureate degrees.

Admissions | Second-Degree Undergraduates (NCCU Graduates)

Students who already hold a baccalaureate degree from NCCU may apply for a second baccalaureate degree by submitting an application for admission and a $50.00  application fee is required. The Office of the Registrar will confirm verification of degree earned. See the catalog section, “DEGREE REQUIREMENTS,” for additional information on second baccalaureate degrees.

Admissions | Military Personnel and Veterans of the Armed Forces of the United States

North Carolina Central University is a member of Service members Opportunity Colleges (SOC), a consortium of over 1,800 colleges and universities that provide college-level educational opportunities for service members and their families. SOC colleges serve the National Guard, the Reserves, the Coast Guard, new recruits, and veterans as well as the 400,000 active-duty service members. As a SOC member, NCCU:

  • Recognizes the GED high school equivalency certificate/diploma.
  • Recognizes learning gained from specialized training and experience in the military services.
  • Recognizes that competency may be established by nationally recognized means, such as standardized tests.
  • Maintains a flexible transfer of credits policy for the mobile, active-duty service member.
  • Will allow service members to take up to 12 semester hours as an Unclassified Special Student. See section on “Admissions-Unclassified/Special Students”.
  • Conducts a timely evaluation of the educational records and relevant experiences of service members.
  • Completes a student degree completion plan for all degree-seeking service members. Applicants must otherwise satisfy University admissions requirements.

Credits from Military Schools and Experience


Credits for courses from military service schools and for military service experience are based on recommendations in the Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services, published by the American Council on Education–commonly referred to as the “ACE Guide.” Students seeking credit must provide official documentation to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions as follows:

  1. Copy of the DD 214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty), and
  2. Copy of the service member’s military transcript, obtainable on the web from the respective branch of service, such as the “AARTS” (Army/ACE Registry Transcript System), the “SMART” (Sailor/Marine/ACE Registry Transcript) and the “CCAF,” the Community College of the Air Force.

Credit for Basic Health, Physical Education, Speech, and Military Science Electives

Veterans, active duty service members, and members of the National Guard and Reserve Components may receive a total of four credits for two courses (basic health and fitness) and three credit hours for speech upon completion of certain military courses approved by the student’s appropriate academic dean.  In addition, up to 12 semester hours for military science electives may be awarded based on the number of years on active duty (for example, two semester hours for every year of active duty).

Licensure-only Candidates

Licensure-Only Programs are individualized programs that are based on a student’s previous course work. Completion of the program requires fulfillment of the same licensure requirements as traditional degree-seeking student. Typically, the designation “second-degree” refers to a student who has previously earned an undergraduate degree and who is seeking initial licensure. The second degree candidate 

Generally, the licensure-only program is designed for students who have a Bachelor’s degree. These candidates may already hold a license in one area and want to add on another licensure area. Additionally, due to prior coursework, these candidates may  need fewer than the 30 credit hours required by the university to be eligible for a second degree.

 Transcript Evaluation Prior to Admission to NCCU

  • Second-degree applicants initially apply through Undergraduate Admissions, providing all prior transcripts. Once the student receives official notice of his/her acceptance to NCCU, the program coordinator should be contacted for initial advising and a review of transcripts to develop a plan of study.
  • Licensure-only applicants must submit all prior transcripts to the coordinator of the academic program in which he/she seeks licensure.
  • The program coordinator evaluates the transcripts and creates a plan of study for the student.
  • If the student decides to enter the program and has at least a 2.7 GPA on a 4.0 scale and acceptable test scores (Praxis, SAT, and/or ACT) the student completes and submits a Teacher Education Program application to the program coordinator.

 Applying to TEP (The Teacher Education Program)

The TEP admissions process for students who possess an undergraduate degree is as follows:

  • The TEP application process begins with the academic advisor, who provides the criteria for eligibility and gives the student instructions for completing the application process online.
  • Once complete, the advisor reviews the application and all of its components.
  • If satisfactory, the application is then reviewed by the program coordinator, who submits it to the Teacher Education Council for a vote.
  • After voting has ended, applicants are notified of the decision via email or letter. 

Requirements for the TEP Application include:

  • GPA of 2.7 or better (either currently cumulative GPA, or first degree GPA for Licensure Only and Second Degree students).
  • Passing test scores (Praxis, SAT and/or ACT)
  • The program coordinator forwards the application, transcript evaluation, and other appropriate materials for Teacher Education Program admission to the Teacher Education Council.
  • Prior to student teaching, second-degree or licensure-only students must pass the specialty area test(s) or subject assessment(s) of Praxis II.
  • During student teaching, candidates must complete and pass edTPA. 
  • When the edTPA scores are received, And the student has successfully completed all programmatic requirements, the student completes the necessary licensure forms. The licensure officer makes a recommendation to the NC Department of Public Instruction, the agency responsible for issuing teaching licenses after the student has successfully submitted all required documents to the SOE and NCDPI.