The concentration prepares students for the licensure in secondary school teaching in addition to B.S. Mathematics degree.
1. 124 Semester Hours:
Complete a minimum of 124 semester hours with a cumulative grade point average of 2.7 or higher.
2. General Education Requirement:
Complete the General Education Curriculum (GEC) required by the university as detailed on the four-year plan of study. Students must have a ‘C’ or better in ENG 1110, ENG 1210, and a speaking intensive course.
3. Program Requirements:
Non-departmental requirements (must have a grade of ‘C’ or better):
Departmental requirements (must have a ‘C’ or better in each course and a cumulative GPA of 2.7 or better):
Physics Requirements:
Complete 6 hours of calculus-based physics chosen from the following two options:
A student must be admitted to the Teacher Education Program in order to enroll in EDU 3150 or a higher-level education course and to enroll in MATH 3100. To be admitted to the program, a student must:
Be recommended by his/her department; have at least a “C” in each ENG 1110, ENG 1210, and a speaking intensive course (approved by his/her department) and have at least a 2.7 average both cumulatively and in the required mathematics courses.
Have completed or be in the process of completing most of the GEC requirements.
Have a passing score on the Praxis I.
Program Notes:
Four- Year Curriculum Plan
Four-Year Curriculum Plan in Mathematics Secondary Education
A GPA of 2.5 or higher is required both overall and in the Department of Mathematics and Physics for admission to the Teacher Education Program and to student teach.
Distribution of Hours
# GEC Core (other than Mathematics and Science) - 33