Advanced Master’s Program in Curriculum and Instruction
Dorothy M. Singleton, Chair
Department of Curriculum, Instruction, and
Professional Studies
Department Telephone: (919) 530-6353
Fax: (919) 530-7681
The Advanced Graduate Program in Curriculum and Instruction is offered for experienced elementary, middle grades, secondary English and mathematics teachers who hold an initial North Carolina license (A) in the program they plan to enter, have at least two years of successful classroom experience, and want to extend and enhance their knowledge and competencies in understanding and applying diversity, developmental and psychological theories to classroom practice; developing curriculum; utilizing technology; assuming a leadership role in the school and community; teaching math, science, language arts, social studies, and literacy; understanding research practices; and conducting action research.
The program broadens the teacher’s understanding of the purpose and role of education in the elementary, middle grades; extends an understanding of the nature of the learner and the learning process (including exceptional populations); assists the teacher in gaining greater insights and skills in the use of research techniques and in administering action research projects to evaluate and improve classroom instruction; provides for concentrated study in major subject areas; and assists the teacher in developing the conceptual framework and skills necessary to provide a developmentally appropriate living/learning environment for all children. Students compile a portfolio throughout the program and provide a portfolio presentation during the final semester. A written comprehensive examination is also required.