Sep 19, 2024  
Graduate School Course Catalog 2024-2025 
Graduate School Course Catalog 2024-2025

FEM Dietetics Certificate Program for the Future Education Model Graduate Program (GP)

I. Admission Requirements

The FEM Dietetics Certificate path is a one-year full-time certificate program for students who have a master’s degree and have met year one GP ACEND course competencies. Students must contact the GP Director for assessment of prior learning/experience to determine eligibility prior to applying. Students must use the Dietetics Inclusive Centralized Application Service (DICAS) to apply for the FEM Dietetics Certificate using the same application as the Future Education Model Graduate Program (GP). Applications are typically due the first week of January for first-round admission. Please verify the actual due date on DICAS. If spots remain, we will continue to take applications in DICAS on with rolling admission through April. Admission requirements include the following:

1. Students must have a bachelor’s degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.

2. Students must submit transcripts that show they have completed the following courses at undergraduate or above level with a grade of C or above:

A. Biology

B. Chemistry I/II

C. Organic Chemistry - 1 Semester

D. Anatomy & Physiology

E. Human Nutrition

F. Food Science (with lab preferred)

G. Sanitation & Safety course or ServSafe certification

3. Applications should provide the following information:

A. A Minimum of two letters of recommendation, preferably from current or former nutrition faculty. Please ask recommenders to evaluate your ability to handle graduate nutrition work and potential success as a Registered Dietitian.

B. Personal statement that discusses in detail why you want to pursue an MS degree in Nutritional Sciences and why you want to be a Registered Dietitian.

C. Resume that includes education, honors/awards, leadership, nutrition specific work or volunteer experience, general work experience, and community service.

4. Students must complete a face-to-face, telephone or video interview as requested.

5. If accepted, students will be required to submit a Program Deposit Fee of $500. The check should be made payable to NCCU-DIP.

6. If accepted, students may request an assessment of prior learning by May 1st prior to entering the program. Students are required to provide evidence of meeting competencies to a program review committee. Evidence of competence may include:

A. Transcripts from accredited universities

B. Course assignments or projects

C. Work experience (i.e. employer reference, resume, etc.)

II. Program Requirements

FEM Dietetics Certificate Program Requirements - 15 hours*

III. Exit Requirements

1. Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

2. Conferred master’s degree from prior university.

3. Completion of 15 hours of community service.

4. Attendance at 3 professional meetings.

5. Successful completion of minimum of 1075 hours supervised experiential learning.

6. All SEL end-of-rotation evaluations by site preceptors must show completion of all competencies at the designated level (know, shows, does) or have an alternate assignment at the designate level (knows, shows, does) that is approved by the GP director.

7. Successful completion of a Dietetics Comprehensive Examination with a score of 85% or above.