Sep 19, 2024  
Graduate School Course Catalog 2024-2025 
Graduate School Course Catalog 2024-2025

Future Education Model Graduate Program (GP), M.S. with Registered Dietitian exam verification statement

I. Admission Requirements

The Future Education Model Graduate Program (GP) path is a program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) in which students earn a master’s degree and complete supervised experiential learning to be eligible for the Registered Dietitian/Nutritionist (RDN) credentialing exam. A DPD verification statement is NOT required, but all students must have completed the prerequisite coursework as outlined below. This is a very competitive program with a yearly acceptance of 25 students. The Department uses a rubric for evaluating each applicant and scores points for: overall GPA; grades in nutrition and math/science courses; a personal statement; letters of recommendation; work, volunteer, or nutrition experience; and an interview. After acceptance into the program, students can request an assessment of prior learning to be waived from a course(s) or supervised experiential learning. Students who have a master’s degree and are approved to waive a course(s) can complete the program at a reduced credit load (15 credit minimum) and earn a graduate certificate. (See FEM Dietetics Certificate Program) Please contact the Program Director for more information. Students must use the Dietetics Inclusive Centralized Application Service (DICAS) to apply for the GP path. Applications are typically due the first week of January for first-round admission. Please verify the actual due date on DICAS. If spots remain, we will continue to take applications in DICAS on with rolling admission through April. Admission requirements include the following:

1. Students must have a bachelor’s degree with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.0.

2. Students must submit transcripts that show they have completed the following courses at undergraduate or above level with a grade of C or above:

  • A. Biology
  • B. Chemistry I/II
  • C. Organic Chemistry - 1 Semester
  • D. Anatomy & Physiology
  • E. Human Nutrition
  • F. Food Science (with ab preferred)
  • G. Sanitation & Safety course or ServSafe certification

3. Applications should provide the following information:

  • A. A Minimum of two letters of recommendation, preferably from current or former nutrition faculty. Please ask recommenders to evaluate your ability to handle graduate nutrition work and potential success as a Registered Dietitian.
  • B. Personal statement that discusses in detail why you want to pursue an MS degree in Nutritional Sciences, why you are apply to NCCU and why you want to be a Registered Dietitian.
  • C. Resume that includes education, honors/awards, leadership, nutrition specific work or volunteer experience, general work experience, and community service.

4. Students must complete a face-to-face, telephone or video interview as requested.

5. If accepted, students will be required to submit a Program Deposit Fee of $500. The check should be made payable to NCCU-DIP.

6. If accepted, students may request an assessment of prior learning by May 1st prior to entering the program. Students are required to provide evidence of meeting competencies to a program review committee. Evidence of competence may include:

  • A. Transcripts from accredited universities
  • B. Course assignments or projects
  • C. Work experience (i.e. employer reference, resume, etc.)

II. Program Requirements

Assessment of Prior Learning/Experience

Students may request an assessment of prior learning or experience to be waived of a course (s) and/or supervised experiential learning (SEL). The goal is to provide an opportunity for more advanced learning or training. Students are unlikely to be approved unless the course was at the graduate level* or experience was extensive. Students must meet the competencies required by Accreditation Council for Education in Nutrition and Dietetics (ACEND) that are assigned to a course or SEL. Students must submit requests after acceptance into the program by May 1st.


For course waivers, students must submit the following:

A. Transcript showing their grade of B or above in the course and that the course was taken in the last five years.

B. Syllabus or syllabi for the course(s)

C. Any course assignments (with grade) needed to demonstrate accomplishment of a course competency.

D. Any additional materials requested by the committee needed to assess completion of a competencies.


For SEL waiver, students must submit the following:

A. Detailed explanation of the activities or duties performed, when they occurred and how they meet the SEL competencies.

B. Signed letter from a supervisor that verifies the activities and when they were performed.

C. Any additional materials needed to demonstrate accomplishment of a SEL competencies.

D. Any additional materials requested by the committee needed to assess completion of a competency.


Review of Assessment of Prior Learning or Activities:

A GP Competency Review (CR) Committee will review the materials to assess whether a student’s prior learning or activities meet the required competencies to waive a course (s) and/or SEL. The CR committee will be composed of three members which include the Director of the FG program, the faculty for the course of SEL being evaluated and one additional faculty member. For each competency associated for the course or SEL, the CR committee member will score a = 0, did not meet the competency or 1 = met the competency for each competency assigned to the course or SEL being evaluated. CR committee members may request additional materials or information as needed. They will then make a recommendation of “Approved” which indicates a student has met all competencies associated with the course of SEL, “Consider” which indicates a student has met enough competencies to the considered to opt out of a course or SEL. All recommendations of “Consider” will be further discussed by the CR committee to determine if the student will meet the missing competencies in their selected replacement course in which case students can be approved under the condition that they take the specified course.

*Students may request prior learning waiver for NSCG 5720 Advances in Nutrition Education , NSCG 5910 Nutrition through the Life Cycle and/or NSCG 5610 - Nutrition Therapy & Disease State using an undergraduate course if they replace the course with an alternate advanced nutrition elective choice. Note that students meeting competencies for NSCG 5720 Advances in Nutrition Education will still be required to participate SEL in professional setting hours through their alternate elective.

III. Exit Requirements

1. Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.

2. Conferred master’s degree.

3. Completion of 15 hours of community service.

4. Attendance at 3 professional meetings.

5. Successful completion of minimum of 1075 hours supervised experiential learning.

6. All SEL end-of-rotation evaluations by site preceptors must show completion of all competencies at the designated level (know, shows, does) or have an alternate assignment at the designate level (knows, shows, does) that is approved by the GP director.

7. Successful completion of a Dietetics Comprehensive Examination with a score of 85% or above.