Sep 22, 2024  
Graduate School Course Catalog 2015-2016 
Graduate School Course Catalog 2015-2016 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Elementary Education, General

  • EDU 4800 - Phonetics (3)

    An introduction to the study of the perception and production of the vowels, diphthongs, and consonants of spoken American English, employing an adapted version of the IPA. The focus is on broad transcription of normal and disordered speech.

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  • EDU 4810 - Clinic Observation (1)

    ASHA requires that students acquire a minimum of 25 hours of observation in assessment and treatment of communication disorders. This course will target the recognition of specific methods and skills needed to effectively start the clinical practicum. It will also target obtaining the 25 hours of observation of both adults and children with various speech and/or language disorders in diverse settings.

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  • EDU 4908 - Independent Study of Instructional Technology (1-3)

    This course is designed to permit the independent pursuit of information on and solution of educational problems through library research of field work. The student desiring to take this course will present a proposed course of study to the School of Education for approval.

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  • ENGG 5000 - Literary Research, Bibliography, and Critical Theory (3)

    (Fall). An introduction to graduate study. Focus on literary resources and critical theory, including a unit on African American literary theory.

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  • ENGG 5015 - Approaches to the Teaching of Literature (3)

    Prerequisites: ENGG 5000  or permission of instructor. A study of critical theory and research in the teaching of literature, with the aim of developing and demonstrating effective instructional strategies in the teaching of literature.

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  • ENGG 5110 - Seminar in Language or Literature (3)

    An investigation of special topics and problems in language or literature. May be taken more than once in a student’s program since the topic changes but for no more than a total of six credit hours.

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  • ENGG 5115 - Advanced Professional and Technical Writing (3)

    A study of professional communication with an emphasis on achieving an effective style for a variety of document types. Requires a culminating long formal report which solves a problem from the student’s workplace.

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  • ENGG 5230 - English Drama (3)

    (Fall). An intensive study of English drama from the beginning to the end of the nineteenth century, excluding Shakespeare. The course approaches dramatic literature historically, thematically, and technically with concentration on analysis, comparison, and synthesis.

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  • ENGG 5300 - Shakespeare (3)

    (Fall). An intensive study of selected comedies, histories, tragedies, and sonnets by William Shakespeare. The seminar requires research, applications of critical theories, and related writing assignments.

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  • ENGG 5430 - Major Novels of the Nineteenth Century (3)

    (Fall). A detailed study of representative nineteenth-century novels which reflect the complexity and the transformation of the era in which they were written, including increased technological sophistication, the consolidation of global powers, the rise in religious uncertainty and skepticism, the growth of the middle class, and the cultural strictures of patriarchal hierarchy.

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  • ENGG 5700 - Seminar in Modern African Literature (3)

    (Fall, even years). A study of the emergence and development of Anglophone African writing emphasizing the three main genres of literature – drama, prose fiction, and poetry – from the 1930s to the present. The course focuses on canonical figures such as Achebe, Soyinka, Ngugi, Nwapa, p’Bitek, Okigbo, Osundare, Clark and others.

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  • ENGG 5720 - Contemporary Multi-Ethnic Literature (3)

    A study of selected contemporary authors from a variety of cultures, typically including the Caribbean, Native American, Asian American, Indian, African American, and/or African authors.

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  • ENGG 5740 - The Twentieth-Century Novel (3)

    (Spring). An in-depth study of major novels by significant twentieth century writers with an emphasis on British and American works and a critical examination of the major movements and theoretical ideas that shaped the development of the novel as a genre. The course provides advanced study of the themes, techniques, and strategies common to modern and postmodern twentieth-century novels.

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  • ENGG 5750 - Modern British and American Drama (3)

    An intensive study of the major movements and theoretical ideas which informed and shaped modern British and American drama. The course approaches dramatic literature historically, thematically, theoretically and technically with concentration on analysis, comparison, and synthesis.

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  • ENGG 5800 - Independent Study (3)

    By permission of the Instructor and/or Department Chairperson. A detailed study of selected topics in language or literature in English. Although the course may be taken more than once, it may not count more than twice (a limit of six credit hours) within the total number of credit hours required for the degree.

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  • ENGG 5900 - Thesis (1-6)

    Graduation requirement: a minimum of 3 earned credit hours. The research, writing, and defense of an acceptable thesis on an approved topic. Students register for the course in consultation with their advisors to determine the appropriate number of credit hours to be granted in a given semester. The course may be taken more than once but for no more than a total of six earned credit hours. Students must be enrolled in the course for three credit hours during the semester in which the thesis is completed.

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  • FIN 5100 - Fundamentals of Managerial Finance for MBA (2)

    Fundamentals of Managerial Finance for MBA course is designed as a foundation course for MBA students who did not have undergraduate Business degrees.  This course introduces students to Corporate Governance, applications of financial statements, taxes and cash flows, time value of money, and securities (bonds and stocks) valuation.  Other key topics include risk-return relationships, basic capital budgeting, and international corporate finance, cost of capital and raising capital, and enterprise risk management.

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  • FIN 5550 - Financial Policies (3)

    This course covers advanced problems in business financial theory and management. Capitalization, liquidation, consolidation, and mergers will also be included.

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  • FIN 5552 - Advanced International Finance (3)

    This course is concerned with the theoretical and empirical analysis of financial decisions of a multinational firm. Emphasis is placed on international corporate finance, international capital markets, international financial institutions, exchange rate markets and systems, balance of payments, global financial problems, and government policies.

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  • FIN 5558 - Investments: Theory and Practice (3)

    Prerequisites: FIN 5550 . This course involves the study of the allocation of current resources to yield gains at points of time in the future. Included will be the analysis of optimal investment decisions, capital budgeting and rationing, risk management, portfolio adjustment, and techniques for the effective management of investment funds and resources.

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  • FIN 5650 - Bank Management: Theory and Practice (3)

    Prerequisites: FIN 5550 . This course examines analytical and institutional issues of banks in a free enterprise economy. Emphasis will be placed on assets, liability decisions, sources and uses of funds in commercial banking. In addition, domestic and international roles of banks will be analyzed.

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Human Sciences

  • FCSG 5000 - Adult Education (3)

    Organization and administration of programs in Adult Education. Consideration of content, materials and instructional strategies for maximum involvement of the adult learner will be explored with emphasis on the integration of theory to practice.

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  • FCSG 5100 - Management Principles and Theories (3)

    Critical analysis of cases dealing with specific management situations involved in family and consumer sciences. Opportunities are provided for the development of case studies. Independent study and field experience are required.

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  • FCSG 5110 - Work Simplification (3)

    Principles of work simplification and application to situations of work in the home and on the job, plans work design, and adaptation for persons with handicapping conditions are included.

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  • FCSG 5120 - Social-Psychological Factors Related to Textiles and Apparel (3)

    Psychological and sociological factors which influence the designing, selecting and utilizing of apparel. Critical analysis and evaluation of relevant knowledge, concepts, and theories in the field.

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  • FCSG 5130 - Nutrition Through the Life Cycle (3)

    A study of principles of nutrition throughout human stages of life, from conception to adulthood. Emphasis will be place on specific conditions requiring special nutritional care at the different stages of life. (Permission of Instructor) .

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  • FCSG 5140 - Special Problems in Dietetics (3)

    An accelerated course designed for in-depth study in research, development and implementation of teaching packets, food science, sanitation and safety, foodservice management, and community nutrition. This course is specific to dietetic internship students and requires permission of the instructor.

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  • FCSG 5150 - Principles of Leadership and Supervision (3)

    An examination of leadership theories and principles as they related to roles, styles, and functions exercised in various supervisory positions.

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  • FCSG 5160 - Applied Medical Nutrition Therapy (3)

    This is an accelerated course designed to conduct an in-depth study of physiology and how it relates to nutrition disease. Medical nutrition therapeutic intervention will be discussed and applied to disease states in both lecture and case study format. (Permission of Instructor) .

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  • FCSG 5210 - Clothing Throughout the Life Cycle (3)

    An understanding of the clothing needs, interests, and problems of family members, at key periods in the family cycle. The interrelationships of selected socio-psychological, economics, managerial, aesthetic, physiological and hygienic aspects of clothing are critically studied.

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  • FCSG 5300 - Curriculum and Program Planning (3)

    Examination of program models and environmental forces that impact the development of appropriate curricula and programming for varying age and interest groups. Selection and use of materials, facilities, equipment, and instructional strategies will be identified to meet the needs of specific target audiences.

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  • FCSG 5310 - Merchandising Finance (3)

    Prerequisites: HECO 4500; CLTX 4520. Application of merchandising principles to realistic problems in the retail industry through highly structured composition and approaches.

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  • FCSG 5320 - Recent Development in Textiles and Apparel (3)

    Study of technological, scientific, economic, and/or social developments affecting the textile and apparel industry. Factors which impact on individuals, families and the textiles and apparel industries help to determine course content.

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  • FCSG 5400 - Child and Family Studies (3)

    Critical analysis and interpretation of current research, theories, and issues in the literature related to human development and the family.

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  • FCSG 5410 - The Sociology of the Child in the Family (3)

    Analysis of child behavior and developmental outcomes as related to the family and total environment within the context of the contemporary multi-cultural society. Student activities include readings, critical thinking, class and small group discussions, debates, oral presentations and scholarly writing.

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  • FCSG 5430 - Human Growth and Development (3)

    Examination of the roles and importance of biological and environmental factors that influence the quality and nature of human growth and developments. Students demonstrate the application of major theoretical perspectives in existing research and explores implications for family and community-based programs.

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  • FCSG 5500 - Diversity and Transition in Family Structures (3)

    An advanced course dealing with diverse family situations. It includes discussions on gender roles, class, race, ethnicity, and sexual preferences. Focus on traditional and nontraditional families and marital adjustments.

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  • FCSG 5510 - Seminar in Human Development (3)

    The experiential approach will be used to assist individuals in acquiring skills in implementing methods and materials to work effectively with people in human related areas. The experience of reading theory will be used as an important learning path.

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  • FCSG 5520 - Nutrition and Family Health (3)

    Appraisal of the nutritional status of family members with emphasis on the nutrient requirements of different population groups. Congregate life styles, anomia and social differentiation of family members.

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  • FCSG 5600 - Advanced Nutrition (3)

    An examination of the chemical nature of the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and lipids. Other areas to be covered will include the physiological and biochemical role of vitamins and minerals, and nutrient interrelationships.

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  • FCSG 5610 - Teaching Family and Consumer Sciences (3)

    Contemporary issues in education which affect the selection of content, materials, and strategies in the teaching of family and consumer sciences.

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  • FCSG 5620 - Materials and Methods in Apparel and Textiles (3)

    Recent research, instructional media and programs in the field of apparel and textiles as may be adapted to instructional presentations. Discussions, demonstrations, and projects are planned to meet students’ needs.

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  • FCSG 5630 - Sports Nutrition (3)

    Prerequisites: Basic nutrition, Physiology, or with consent of the instructor. An examination of the nutritional and metabolic requirements of physical activities to include exercise and physiological adaptations to exercise training. Benefits of an optimal diet-exercise regime will be emphasized.

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  • FCSG 5700 - Evaluation Techniques (3)

    Current problems, issues, and trends in evaluation will be explored. Skill in using criteria to assess programs and products will be developed.

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  • FCSG 5730 - Nutrition Education for Preschool and K-12 Teachers and Health Providers (3)

    Provide teachers and health providers with a framework of knowledge for integrating nutrition education into various subject areas in keeping with the North Carolina Competency Goals and Performance indicators of the existing curriculum, using nutrition education materials developed for use in North Carolina schools.

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  • FCSG 5800 - Research in Foods and Nutrition (3)

    A study of the recent advances in the methodology in foods and nutrition with emphasis on procedures for collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data.

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  • FCSG 5810 - Dietetics Internship (6)

    Internship rotation in clinical, community nutrition, and food service management totaling 1200 hours, projects, and the post review sessions in preparation for the registration examination.

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  • FCSG 5820 - The Adult Years and Aging (3)

    The study of human development and the processes of behavioral change. The phenomenon of aging, motivations, family life styles, satisfaction, needs and perceptions of persons in different stages of adulthood will be considered.

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  • FCSG 5830 - Special Problems (3)

    Designed for independent, in-depth study of selected problems and issues relating to family and consumer sciences. Problems selected may be related to program and/or instructional planning, implementation, or evaluation, to include internships or field experiences appropriate to the functions for which students are prepared.

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  • FCSG 5900 - Thesis (1-3)

    The research, writing, and defense of an acceptable thesis on an approved topic. Students register for the course in consultation with their advisors in the determination of the appropriate number of credit hours to be granted in a given semester. The course may be taken more than once but for no more than a total of three hours.

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  • HISG 5010 - Seminar in European History (3)

    An investigation of the main trends in the economic and social history of Europe since 1750. Emphasis on the new approaches in the field and current innovative research developments.

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  • HISG 5040 - Seminar in African History (3)

    An investigation of special topics in African history with concentration on the research and writing of a peer-critiqued research paper.

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  • HISG 5060 - Seminar in Latin American and Caribbean History (3)

    This course will offer students the opportunity to perform in-depth investigation of special topics in Latin American and Caribbean history.  Emphasis will be placed on research and dialogue with peers, as well as production of a peer-critiqued research paper.

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  • HISG 5070 - Seminar in the African Diaspora (3)

    An investigation of special topics in African Diaspora history with emphasis on the research and writing of a peer-critiqued research paper.

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  • HISG 5155 - Topics in European History, 1750-1870 (3)

    An analysis of central topics in European history. Particular attention is placed on polemical issues that are the subject of changing historiographical interpretations.

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  • HISG 5160 - Topics in the Expansion of Europe (3)

    An examination of the extension of European culture overseas. Special emphasis will be placed on the case studies of Africa, Asia, the Caribbean, the Americas, and the Pacific.

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  • HISG 5170 - The New Europeans: Race and Ethnic Minorities in Contemporary Europe (3)

    This course is an examination of the status and experiences of racial and ethnic immigrants in contemporary Europe. The course analyzes the various patterns of movement and settlement of ethnic minorities in Europe during the twentieth century. It also examines how societies responded to their presence and the formation of public policy. Finally, the course addresses significant issues related to Transnational Migration and global race relations.

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  • HISG 5210 - U.S. History: Colonial Period to the Age of Jackson (3)

    An in-depth study of different interpretations of the many facets of United States history from colonial times to the “Age of Jackson.”.

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  • HISG 5230 - United States Since 1900 (3)

    An analysis of selected topics dealing with big business; American imperialism; the Progressive Movement; the quest for social justice among American minorities; economic, political, and social patterns in the aftermath of World War I and World War II; internationalism; and the contemporary scene.

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  • HISG 5250 - American Women’s History (3)

    An analysis of the History of women in the United States from colonial era to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the social, economic, and political transformations of women and the struggle for equal rights.

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  • HISG 5260 - American Labor History (3)

    The course traces the history of American workers and organized labor unions from the colonial era to the present. Emphasis will be placed on the interaction between workers and the unions and political and economic developments.

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  • HISG 5320 - History of North Carolina (3)

    An intensive study of the historical, political, economic, cultural, and social developments of North Carolina from its colonial beginnings to the present day.

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  • HISG 5410 - History of East and Central Africa (3)

    A study of the indigenous peoples of eastern and central Africa and their interactions with non-African peoples and cultures.

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  • HISG 5420 - History of West Africa (3)

    A study of West African history, including a discussion of the rise of West African states, the effects of the Atlantic slave trade on these states, the history of West Africa during the period of European colonialism, and West African independence.

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  • HISG 5440 - History of Southern Africa (3)

    A survey of the peoples and states of southern Africa from the earliest times to the present. Includes a discussion of southern African resistance to the partitioning and colonial rule, white-black conflict, and problems in modern southern Africa.

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  • HISG 5460 - Independent Africa (3)

    An examination of some of the problems facing Africa today. Includes a discussion of underdevelopment, urbanization, elitism, Christianity and Islam vs. traditional religion, and education as they affect social change on the continent.

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  • HISG 5600 - Independent Readings in Latin American and Caribbean History (3)

    This course will offer students the opportunity to independently investigate themes in Latin American and Caribbean history.  Students will, with the instructor, develop reading lists and assignments to best fill the research interests of the student. Repeatable May be repeated for an additional 3 credit hours.

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  • HISG 5610 - Topics in Latin American History (3)

    An in-depth study of the Latin American struggle for social integration, nationhood, economic independence, democracy, political stability, and diplomatic identity within the Inter-American system. Repeatable May be repeated once for an additional 3 hours (max. 6)

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